Sunday, February 15, 2015

A VERY Special Guest ~

we were graced with a visit from a very special friend...
~ Needlewoman Extraordinaire ~ 

Sharon Goad
{who is particularly shy of cameras}

Sharon brought in a little show 'n tell for us humble-handed folks ~
her amazingly intricate and detailed
S T U M P W O R K embroidery....
my hubby Peter said it looks like she paints with thread.
and he is right:

my photos skills do not do her magnificent pieces justice whatsoever 
but you can at least see some of the detail in her handwork...


a regal Lion is taking shape on the surface of this cloth...

 his mighty mane & face in the works, be added soon.

 the colors, the stitches...
the THREADS!!!

Sharon tells us that the threads are 
specifically made for this form of needlework ~
Tricia Nuygen from Thistle Threads is the one to contact for them...
click here to visit Thistle Threads beautiful website

this wondrous piece below is complete, Sharon says ~
can you see all of the detail?

forgive me Sharon for the poor photos...
now you definitely have an excuse to come back for another visit ~ 
so I can take more snaps of your work!
{ hint hint}

a tiny castle, gardens, rolling hills and...a lake with a be-spangled fish!

you can see how 'raised' the work is from the fabric surface...
this intrigues me so.

weaving, coiling, couching...french knots, 
...metallic threads & even a teeny wooden door!

Sharon says the design for this castle is from
Jenny Adin-Christie
and you can see more of her work

i could walk right into this tiny work of heART ~

and here is another small framed piece ~
this one done in a Jacobean-style...

so much detail packed into one beautiful piece:

so very tiny but so very impressive ~ framed perfectly under glass.

 and here is Sharon,
hiding behind her slate frame with another wondrous work-in-progress on it:
Hi Sharon, you shy girl!

 we would like to thank Sharon for visiting us and bringing along her needlework for us.
Sharon, you are most-welcome anytime we gather..please do visit again soon & often!

we see you!

just a friendly reminder...
my little kitten-doll
'Aberthol's'  auction will be ending today around
2:15 eastern standard time...

he is looking for a warm home!
you may adopt him by clicking
proceeds from his ending auction price will be donated to the 
{see auction for more detail}

it's only
15 degrees here at the moment in VA ~
the wind was so bad last night it kept me awake most of the night...

hoping you all keep warm my sweet friends!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. Sharon Goad's work is extraordinary! Does she sell her work anywhere? I can tell that the Lion will be glorious! He reminds me of an Edward Hicks Lion. Lori, thank you so much for sharing your most talented friend and her artistry/work with us.

  2. What a treat to have her visit !! I would have stood in line even if it was wrapped around the farm;0) for an opportunity to watch her work -Her work is phenomenal! *Blessed Be!

  3. WOW! What magnificent embroidery techniques she performed.

  4. Amazing!! Such fun photos to study. A special treat on this frigid, very white morning. Thank you, Lori.


  5. Fabulous! I have always been a HUGE fan of stump work, although I have never tried it.

  6. What a wonderful treat to learn of Sharon Goad's embroidery, which is phenomenally beautiful. Thank you, Lori! I am proud to say that Sharon has one of my dolls!

    Your little kitten doll is amazing and adorable, Lori!

  7. Wow, this is great, Sharon has golden hands!

  8. Such beautiful work! It really is like a painting.

  9. What a treat to see those gorgeous works of art by
    Sharon! Would have loved to have a glimpse of Sharon's face.... but it's very loving of you Lori to also respect her privacy! Thank you so much for sharing her awe inspiring works!
    Stay warm and hope Spring-like weather is not far off for you folks in the east. It's been brutally cold here in Wisconsin too. Ahhhhh Spring... we wait!!
    Cathy G

  10. Her art is just amazing, just love the details! What talent! Hope your kitty found a wonderful new home!

  11. Beautiful beyond words! Gorgeous work Sharon. Thank you for sharing these photos with us Lori! You are both extremely talented ladies! ~C

  12. Well, he's just darling!
    Brrrr... Stay warm Friend.


  13. Hi Lori,

    I've been reading your blog for a little while now. I greatly enjoyed Sharon's work.

    Have you see the work of Salley Mavor? Her website is at

    She uses stitches and other mixed media to create art and book illustrations.

    Sharon's work kind of reminded me of her work.



Thank you kindly for visiting with us ~ we love to read your comments! ~ please leave us a note...