Saturday, January 24, 2015

we are CLOSED today ~

sorry, we are closed today, 
~ Saturday January 24th ~

we were supposed to hold our Winter's Tea & Wool Applique class today...
but the powers-that-be, aka the weather-folks
put the fear into us all that it would be crummy weather, 
...not suitable for driving...

so what's a girl to do?
better to be safer than sorry and postpone the class,
 and not have our students drive in the 'proposed' mess.

oh well,
I am feeling a tad under the weather too,
scratchy throat, headache & slight cough.
I will keep the shop closed, 
...and rest a bit.

hot tea, cozy blankets, fluffy pillows…
box of kleenex and a 'heater-cat' on my lap {chest, back, head…}
needle and thread? perhaps…
old movies?

even when I'm sick, I cannot be idle.
unless I'm unconscious…


~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. are a real trooper! Even when you are " under the weather" . Mmmmm, the warmth of Kitty. Doesn't get better than that. Hope you are feeling better soon. There are lots of those nasty colds far , I'm touching wood.
    Hugs Marg.

  2. Sorry you are feeling "peaked"... As my granny used to say.... Stay in an get betteršŸ˜“

  3. Feelin peak-ed is no fun for sure. This strain of flu is a bear hope yours is just a cold.

  4. We are suppose to get some cruddy weather tomorrow here in Ohio, went out this am did some errands, buckling down for rest of weekend, movies, cleaning, stitching, snacking, packing, stitching, crafting, snacking, lol you get the picture...hope you're feeling better soon, nothing like a cozy warm home, hot tea, a warm heating pad aka kitty, and stitching...

  5. Here's a sympathy sneeze achoo sniff snif cough

  6. Lori

    So sorry your feeling icky..take some Vit C and Zinc...always helps me! Love your plans for lap cats, needlework and old movies. Stay warm and feel better quickly!<3



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