Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Morning Musings ~

Well I spent the entire day on the couch yesterday ~
needle in hand and feet up.
feeling a little better today, so I guess I'm on the mend so-to-speak….

so I stepped out into the fresh air this morning 
to clear my lungs a bit and this was waiting for me:

Pinocchio & Daisy say
"Good Morning to you!"

I put my "FAUX-sythia" {lol}
in my basket on the porch post the other day…
doesn't it look cheerful?
can't wait for the real thing ~

{{Hmm…think I'll go cut some and force it here in the farmhouse!}}

Our hens are juuuust beginning to lay again ~
the cockerels have been busy I guess!
this is our plunder from yesterday morning ~

I love my old Star Egg Carrier ~ 
and those white eggs are blown glass….
 used by farmers to 'encourage' their hens to brood ~

Here is that pocket I was working on ~ all finished…

~ it is fully lined and I love it.
the fabric is prairie cloth, and the threads are Valdani ~ own doodle-design ;)

I am enjoying hand embroidery/stitching more and more recently…
I love my cross stitch and punch needle,
there is something so very rewarding 
about the freedom of creating various stitches while I work.

just taking a line drawing, transferring it to fabric 
~ and then letting my imagination run with color and stitch…

here is what I worked on all day yesterday
{between naps, stretches and cups of tea, mind you}

I wanted to start something simple,
and I wanted to just sharpen my stitches a bit ~
you know, that practice-makes-perfect thing?
well, my stitches are far from perfect…but they are happy little stitches and that's all that matters to me!

this is stitched on weavers cloth ~ 
yes, the same cloth we use for our punch needle…
I like it because:
I can trace a design through it ~
it is nubby like linen ~
it is woven and 'takes' cross stitches well ~
it is stain-able ~
it is inexpensive ~

the threads I used for this are Guterman threads found in Joann's ~

using an air-erasable marker,
I drew on simple, positive words {'believe, keep going, carry on"} and then just let my needle dance ~
really not a lot of thought went into this, as my poor brain was fuzzy from this head-cold.

If you are interested, I created a group on Facebook 
{yes, another one! no rolling of eyeballs please lol} called:
"Humble Work Hand Embroidery"
here's the link:

it's a group devoted to hand embroidery & embellishment ~
like crewel work, stump work, 3 dimensional stitching, needle weaving ~
and simple, primitive stitching using the basics:
chain stitch, satin stitch, french/colonial knot, straight stitch, running stitch, feather stitch, etc…

 As there already is the most awesome
Prim Stitchers Society
and the equally fabulous
Punchneedle Place
I thought a group for other hand embroidery would be a good place to chatter about ~

Do drop me a line if you'd like to join the Humble Work group!

well, I am off to get a little more fresh air into my lungs…
perhaps allow my hubby to accompany me on a short woodland walk ;)

hoping you all have a beautiful Sunday my friends!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. Would love to join an embroidery facebook group

  2. Please add me to your new Humble Handworks group.
    Thanks much,
    Cathy Stine

  3. I would to be part of your Humble Handworks group. Sounds inspirational.
    Betsy Lanning

  4. Awww I love it :)
    Me super happy and love your stitches..
    Big hugs x

  5. Glad you're feeling better. I would love to have those large critters to greet in the morning. That pouch - FABULOUS. And I don't know what Prairie cloth is but will find out in a minute. Or maybe I already know and forgot?

  6. I would like to be a part of your Humble Handworks group.....just love your handworks.....thank you....

  7. Such beautifully inspiring work, my mothers home is primitive folkart and rustic collection of yellowware and salt glaze that goes on forever.

    She would love shopping your shop, but being in Calif makes the drive a bit much :)

    Beauty at your hands of folk arts.


  8. As much as I love cross stitch I agree with you about the freedom of embroidery. I would love to join your group Humble Handworks.

  9. Great post Laurie! I love how your pocket turned out and your stitches are just great. This is going to be a fun Group~thanks to you! Blessings, Sandra

  10. I love your stitches...look good to me!I on the other hand, need much more practice.

    Love the basket of Faux-sythia, they look so real!

    Happy that you are feeling better!<3


  11. LoVe the little pocket you stitched Lori.....always look forward to all your new creations. Gorgeous, one after the other. I'm not on Facebook, but I would love to join your group:). Have a beautiful week and continue to feel better.
    Hugs Marg.

  12. beautiful work! I'd love to join the group!

  13. The Faux cythia sure looks real, I guess we can dream. Spring will be here before we know it!
    Hugs Marg.

  14. Oh! I would love to join your Humble Work group! Please add my name.

  15. Beautiful work and lovely photos.


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