Sunday, December 28, 2014

Folks like us…..

Folks like us
like simple things.
...we like un-fussy things.

~ plain, yet dignified ~

Folks like us
like to use our hands
to work in old ways…
stitching, sewing, mending ~

new Jan/Feb/March 2015
Little Stitches Handwork Club project kit model ~
 "Folk Tulip Needlework Station"
from ©Notforgotten Farm

Folks like us
love to things that speak to our hearts ~
we love history and memories.

we us try to use things up
and recycle, never wasting anything and
it's not in our nature to buy something when we can usually make it,
~ and make it better in most instances.

pretty little X's

We are Folks 
who appreciate the timeworn & ragged ~
always searching for 'that look' in our home-decor & needlework.

we don't mind slipped-stitches or loose threads…
we don't mind chipping paint or scuff marks.
~ as long as our hearts fill with joy.

Jan/Feb/March 2015 ~ Little Stitches Handwork Club project kit model
"Folk Tulip Needlework Station"
from ©Notforgotten Farm

We are kindred in hoping that our handwork will be passed down ~
or at least hope the act of our handwork will...
 ~ as we let others know just how much our needlework means to us ~
...letting them know how it fills our days, thoughts & hearts.

~ needful yet utilitarian too!
love the red/cream homespun that will be included in the project kit :)

I'm always happy to be in the good company of such Folks.
~ humble, happy folks who enjoy the same things as I do ~
So, this is the finished model for the 2015 Little Stitches Handwork Club {LSHC} kit 
...that will begin shipping soon ~

I've made the finished stitch into a simple little needlework station
for your worktable ~
it has a small linen pincushion
and a pocket to hold your scissors, folded charts, extra fabric/wool, etc…
...then I added rusty pins to each corner to act as thread 'rings' ~
…there's that 'making-do' & 'using-up' thing again ;)

If you are a current member and would like to renew your membership for the LSHC 
~ you can email me directly at  
OR if you would like to learn more about joining,
you can click HERE for more information ~ 

We are thrilled to say that this is our 3rd year of hosting this club 
~ and we are so very Thankful to our members!!
 I have SO much fun designing for you!

the photo below shows the finished model, 
which is stitched onto my 30ct Old Farmhouse Linen {included in kit}
~ next to a smaller version of the design which I am in the progress of stitching 
{just for fun, mind you}
onto my 40ct Old Farmhouse Linen…
...i'm getting there !!

Hoping you all have a wonderful evening 
...Friends & Folk!

* Blessed be *


  1. So lovely!
    Isn't this the 3rd year of your club?
    ("We are thrilled to say that this is our 2nd year of hosting this club"). I still have projects to finish from the 1st
    year ;-). Mouse

  2. Oh my. Sometimes we make a little gasping noise, like when we find $100 shoes for $10. I made that gasping noise and there's not a shoe in sight.

  3. Hi Lori!
    I want to renew (she says jumping up and down with excitement!!!) and just need to know if a personal check is still okay? I sent you an email on the 18th and haven't heard back from you - no worries, I know we're all busy busy with the holidays. But just wanted to check in and also wondered if perhaps it ended up in your spam filter. Do you need me to send again? Thanks bunches.
    Wishing you a lovely NYE and much joy in 2015!

  4. What a beautiful design and colors!
    I Love it!!
    May this New Year be filled with many Blessings for you, your family and furry sweeties!


Thank you kindly for visiting with us ~ we love to read your comments! ~ please leave us a note...