Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Crewel Addiction ~

Lately I have been perusing my collection of books internationally known Japanese designer/author

I have been in love with her work for many years, 
...and try to buy her books when I see them on or in quilt shops ~

her unique design-sense and color ways, 
plus her use of neutral fabrics & textures is what I love most.

yeah, I'm obsessed with her :)

a healthy addiction

the other 'thing' that has gotten in my brain lately is
CREWELwork Embroidery.
yet another form of needlework that I can't seem to stay away from.

If you follow my Pinterest boards, 
you'll see that I've been scouring the web for images of wool-work, stump work,
3-D embroidery and all kinds of different & new {to me} stitches…

here are a few books in my collection on that subject ~

nothing like a needle & thread in hand ~

My plans for the new year 
...are to incorporate more embroidery into my work & designs.
I am in the initial stages of designing a few patterns for YOU to work on along with me,
like the beloved old tapestries and lady's pockets we can't stop looking at ;)

I want to design a line of pockets for you to embroider ~
and I'm thinking I will also offer limited edition kits for them using wonderful Waverly wool yarns.
{progress is coming along on a prototype, will share snaps soon}


and what self-professed Needlewoman would be complete 
without a sewing basket/box? {or 3, or 4….}
well, yes, I have many.
none of them seem to be big enough to hold my 'essentials' ~
**my essentials include but are not limited to:
scissors {usually 2 pair, sometimes more}
plastic boxes with compartments to hold my floss {usually 2, sometimes more}
assorted linen fabrics in many different colors/counts
assorted 'other' fabrics {in case inspiration hits on the road}
glue sticks, fray check, sewing thread, lip-balm, hand cream, assorted pens, pencils & highlighters ~
USB flash-sticks, seam ripper, ruler,
 pinch-type clothespins {to 'hold' my linen for me when I stitch 'in hand'}
small notepad, tissues, tiny clip-on Ottlite* , thread winders, floss holders, 
wooden sewing hoops {usually 2, sometimes more ~ see a pattern here?}
assorted ribbons & trims, rusty pins, old buttons ~ 
and of course I need:
Old photographs {really?}, magnetic needle-minders, magnifying glass, mad-money {shhhh}
retractable tape measure, small tomato pincushion, 
black-headed pins, white-headed pins {again, really?} beeswax, iPhone charger {just in case}
and last but certainly not least ~
not just any needles, but:
DMC brand, round end, size #28 teeny tiny tapestry needles {my #1 fav}
John James 'petite' #28 tapestry needles {my 2nd fav}
but that list hasn't included the actual work-in-progress or the chart/graph in-progress.
{i think that's all….}

OH C'mon…
you KNOW you carry all of that around with you too…'fess up!

So what's a girl to do?
~ that's right dearie.
{using a gift card to Joann's that was given to me by my enabler um…beloved}

and here it is in all of it's massive glory:

what a big girl!

nice & sturdy


and roomy!

lots of little compartments to fill up,…hold my 'essentials'.


there is just one. little. problem.
>>>the fabric<<<
yeah, not so much…

being the ever-adaptable person that I am,
I will muster up every ounce of creativity I have 
and re-do {redux?} the way-too-cutesy-for-me fabric.

{how will she do that?}
not sure.
I am sure it will not look like it does now when I get through with it….

stay tuned!

hhmmmmm……putting on my thinking cap for this one ;)

If you have hung in there and have read the ramblings on this post to here,
I want you to know that I'm wishing you all a very happy, safe, heathy New Year!!
and to say Thank You for putting up with me thus far ;)

* Blessed be * 


  1. Fun and roomy! Start by painting the fabric to tone it down, and then add embellishments?

  2. Yes, I've hung in there with you!! Hope you and the family and critters have a Happy New Year! We still want to get together. I'll give you a call, soon.

  3. Yep...hung in there!
    I too have thought how to cover those sewing baskets!
    Did a class long ago at "Workt By Hand" where we covered and padded a heavy cardboard one . . . some of those techniques may work! Lots of stitching and a bit of glue involved! But it was fun and turned out loverly! Happy New year and Happy New Stitches!

  4. Hung in there too. Wishing you and your family a blessed New Year! Looking forward to what happens at your farm next year. Love seeing the kitties and critters!

  5. I love your blog and your sweet friendship! Have a blessed New Year!

  6. Oh...I can so relate... Never enough containers for all the "works in process"! I always enjoy checking in with you and always leave inspired...
    Happy New Year!
    Val in Kansas

  7. Love your sewing box, can't wait to see what you do with this. I have baskets and boxes and old sewing baskets as well and keep changing all the time from one to another. That's why I can never find anything when I need it.

  8. No one asked me what I wanted for Christmas and it was a sewing basket. I might just have to buy one, I am hoping to get one at a thrift store, I saw one a few weeks ago and I should have done it. Please take photos of what you will be filling it up with.

  9. Happy New Year! I love embroidery too and have one of those books. It seems I just have to travel from one hobby to the next and back again! We are leaving soon to go to Florida for a couple months. I seem to paint and write my blog there!

  10. Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!!!!!!!!

  11. I love the idea of doing some stitching in wool. When I started stitching many years ago, crewel was popular. I did some, but got the cross stitch bug. I think one designer (Theresa Wentzler?) came out with a wool cross idea, and of course I think the Berlin work popular in times gone by was done with wool. I look forward to hearing more. Like I need more types of thread to covet! Happy New Year!

  12. Have so enjoyed the blog again this year....Happy New Year to you all .....

  13. Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year from France. Thank you for all the pleasure your blog has given me over the past twelve months. You are inspirational!

  14. I always look forward to your blog and am anticipating a great 2015 of following.

    Happy New Year.

  15. A most happy new year to you and yours also. I kept thinking as I scrolled through your photo's of the basket "ooooh what is she doing.", "Oh my how could she.", "Holy Hanna! what was she thinking!!". Then I read what your plans are for it and the light came on! Can't wait to see what you turn it into, I know it will make my heart beat a little faster and I will be so envious.

  16. Happy New Year to you!!! I'm looking forward to what you come up with in the way of crewel embroidery. My sister loves doing it but says there is a shortage of patterns/kits. I just know 2015 will be productive for you!

  17. I am obsessed with Yoko Saito, too! Her wonderful designs and use of color totally intrigues me. I have been gathering Japanese fabric and I need to do some of her designs. Too much fun!

  18. I like your new fancy sewing box! Now, I am thinking, do I need this too??!! LOL. I will have to look next time I'm at Joann's...

    Happy New Year!

  19. Lori, you have made my day. I have been e mailing you for years to dabble more in embroidery and now Wow! You are going to do it! Can't wait. LIfe comes in cycles and most of us have come through all of them, if you are crafty. My granddaughter at 23 is getting into plants...just like I did when I was in my twenties... skipped a generation. So glad I can share that with her. I have also taught her embroidery. Looking forward to what you design.

    Happy New Year...blessings in 2015.

  20. Now when I saw that sewing basket I thought to myself that doesn't look like Laurie at all. So tickled to read further and happy to know you will prim it up. I am sux re it will be awesome when you are finished. Be sure to post.


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