Thursday, June 05, 2014

worrying & stitching ~

Minew is home!

the kitten-crew is a little more content now…
but boy there was a lot of hissing and spitting going on when she got here…

Mickey thought his momma smelled 'funny'…

"i'll just stay up here until you smell…um…feel better mom….yeah."

Tig is waiting for her to come out of the cardboard box-bed:
and we all know how it feels when we're sick in bed and our kids are not….

"mom? mom? mom? mom? MOM?"

 Boog is just plain tired ~ 
she brought it upon herself to be the one to make sure the 'boys' were fine 
and behaved while momma was away…

" i cannot WAIT to tell mommy what you did while she was gone…you are so in trouble."

~ and here she is.
not happy at all.
won't come out of the box unless to eat.
at least she is purring a little bit this morning.
yesterday she growled at me.
(i guess i deserve that for lying to her)
but of course, she let peter hold her & love on her.

she is looking skinny to us,
and is moving rather slowly, but I'm sure that is because she's sore.
poor baby…

oH! and they tattoo spayed female cat's belly's now!!! 
so if she ever gets lost at least someone will know she's been fixed.…
...did you know that?
so yeah, now she thinks she's a bad-ass me.

hi mimi ~ i still love you ~

 so until she begins acting more life her-cat-self again,
I will submerse myself in my work and try hard not to worry about her....
...but there is no having 'fun' until orders are processed and packed,
labeled and shipped.

the farmhouse needs a good cleaning but it is going to be a hot one today…

happy things

the grass needs mowing,
the weeds are calling…
the laundry is piling up and I need to go to market.
but I still manage a stitch or two here and there!

eyelet stitches in progress 

and as soon as I get an actual minute,
I want to finish looking at this:

Samplers from the V&A Museum
 then make more of these:


We will be traveling up the mountain this evening,
going to visit a little 7 mo. old black lab puppy-girl named 'Roxy' ~
she was brought to our attention by Gretchen, the lady that works at the
(where Minew was)

so we may just be bringing Roxy home with us, but we'll see….

* Blessed be *


  1. Minew now has "street cred" They don't tattoo here up north. It is funny how that vet smell gets them every time.

  2. Hope sweet Minew feels better really soon. Love the piece you are stitching...

  3. Hope Minew gets to feeling better, bless her heart!

  4. The header photo is SO you . . m'dear! 'Cept...younger!!!
    I'm sure Minew will be feeling perky in a day or two, being back with the kiddos will make her happy!

    Yay for Roxy!! You know it will be love at first sight!


  5. Sweet kitties! Hope they are feeling better and everyone is playing along :)

  6. Hope Minew feels better very soon. I too can't rest well when my animals are sick. Lol they are like our children. Roxy is a lucky girl to come to such a wonderful home ,that you make for your animals. My husband says my dog hit the lottery when he came to live with us !!! Lol. Have a great day ! Veronica

  7. Oh Lori, how we worry about our pets! I'm sure Minew will be back to normal by tomorrow and will have forgiven you. Keep telling yourself you did the right thing. I'm in a sense of delayed shock having found Mimi, my young cat who has been missing a whole month. I should be jumping for joy - maybe that will come later - but I feel absolutely drained. It must be the miles I've tramped, the searching I've done, the sleepless nights I've had and the tears I've shed. I had given up hope and thought I'd never see her again but here she is, a bit thinner and with a couple of ticks but otherwise OK. I'm sure you're going to fall in love with this baby Labrador, they're the best! Look forward to seeing pictures etc. your blog always makes my day. Sue in Normandy.

  8. Just give all the kitties today and everything will be back to normal. Good luck with your baby lab. We have to goldens. There is nothing sweet than retreiver pups!

  9. All the kitties are so cute. Minew is probably very sore from her surgery and tattooing. Poor thing. I know my kitties are mad at me whenever they have to stay at the doctor's office. Roxy the lab sounds adorable, I love labs, but then, I have a big old black lab, our big baby boy, so I'm a little partial.

  10. I know Minew will never realize you did her a huge favor, but she will forget in a few days and you'll be back to being her loving momma. Ah, a black lab puppy! there's one of those we went to LOOK at, yea, right! Taylor stole my heart immediately and we had ten wonderful
    years together! Can't imagine you and Peter not bringing Roxy home, and what an incredible loving home she will find there with you. Can't wait for pics!

  11. Awww, loved this post. I know you will bring the baby home because how can you not? Look forward to meeting Roxy.
    Almost done with the Give Ye Thanks rug I bought at the Lenexa, KS hook in.

  12. Ohhh, Lori, I hope Roxy works out for you and, you know, black is just your color.... Kiss Minew!

  13. Minew has the most beautiful little fur babies. Hope she is feeling better real soon. Hmmm, a Black Lab Puppy on the horizon? He will be a very lucky fellow.


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