Wednesday, June 04, 2014


...well we are all waiting 
{and some of us not so patiently}
for Minew to come home from the….
(i lied and told her she was going for a make-over)

here are a few snaps of the Littles:
(Mickey won't slow down for a good shot, so that's why there's more of Tiggy & Boog!!)

Boogie Sugar Britches feeling needy

the 'boys' hiding above the door to the cat-coop 


Tiggy                        Mickey

li'l Boog

handsome-boy Tig
 even the chickens are waiting for Mimi's (Minew's) return….

one of our most-colorful roosters

 and as I mentioned yesterday,
 I started another sewing roll ~
this one will be a little larger and incorporate a pincushion…

enjoying stitching on my hand-dyed Cupboard Cloth (osnaburg)

I almost forgot!!!
while dropping off Minew yesterday,
we talked with one of the workers there who mentioned a little black-lab puppy that needs a good home….
Hmmmm…..don't have to asks us twice!!!!!

Hoping you all enjoy a peaceful day where you are ~

I'll share pics of the kitty-cat 'reunion' tomorrow!

* Blessed be *


  1. What kind is your beautiful rooster? We have a Plymouth Rock one.
    Keep us posted on your new needle roll love them!

  2. Queen Bee ~ our hens & roosters are 'barnyard variety'…so they are a mix of dominique, rhode island red, fancy bantam, & barred rock…plus probably a hundred others! not pure breeds, but we love them and they are great egg producers :)
    ~ L

  3. BSB's eyes are so beautiful, what markings! I love a colorful rooster........

  4. As always...wonderful photography and writing...a great way to start the day!

    and a PUPPY!!!!!!! I have never had a connection before or since like I had with my companion named Douie. He was a Black Lab/Dalmation mix. Solid black with a small white almond shape on his forehead, small patch of white on his chest and white spats. I still miss him BUT so SO happy for you. Take plenty of pics when he comes home to Notforgotten Farm!!!!

  5. Puppy and kittens.....oh, my!!!!

  6. Your new piece looks interesting

  7. What smalls your furry and feathers creatures bring to us!
    A Puppy!! Congrats to you and Peter!

  8. Hope it works out for you to get the puppy. Black labs are THE BEST and it will be coming to a home that is THE BEST! I think I'd like to hook that beautiful rooster.

  9. I love the new picture at the top of your blog, but I sure miss seeing those donkey ears! Every time the picture came up I just wanted to cuddle up with them and feel the softness. Give that donkey a cuddle from me! ha ha.
    Can't wait to see the 'newest' addition.

  10. Poor Mimi.....hope her recovery is easy!!

  11. Nothing better than stitching and furbaby updates!

  12. I absolutely LOVE your new blog header & your black & white farmhouse photo. Kindly, Tammy @ Scattered Seed Samplers

  13. Great peace and quiet at your farm!! I can't wait to see the Whole stitch!


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