Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Cozy Farmhouse

was a little warmer than it's been...
we still had the woodstove on in the Keeping Room to make the farmhouse cozy ~

I've been cleaning and tidying up a bit too,
taking down most of the Hallowe'en items that I've had up for what seems like months now.
Being in business where I always have to be ahead of season, 
it's always hard to figure out what I want to display to help me in my designing...

I am finding myself drawn to a less cluttered look.
I'm tired of store-bought things and how they just don't 'fit' in anymore.

I am going to be selling off a lot of my things that just don't fit my tastes any longer,
or things that I just don't positively L O V E.

So, keep an eye on my Etsy Shop to see what goodies I might be offering you ~

In the meantime, have a visit with me in my little farmhouse ~
happy to have you!

~ as you enter our front door an old clock case and pewter with drieds greets you ~

turn to your left and you enter our snug little dining room ~

dining room from another angle ~

walk through and you will enter our keeping room ~
it was originally two divided rooms, but the original owners took down the walls opening up one large room...
this is the back of the keeping room

another view of the back of the keeping room

and another...

...and one more.

looking to the front of the keeping room (from the back) you can see our mantel with flat screen tv above ~

I want to cover the tv when not in use, so I've been perusing the internet for UNIQUE ideas ~
I think I have one ~  I'll share with you once finished....

a larger view of keeping room

and another.

this is my personal view of the mantel/tv from my favorite spot on our sofa ~
we have a matching sofa & loveseat that rocks and reclines...also is near the wood stove.
Perfect place to watch old movies and do my handwork.
I'll be finishing up the Holly Vine wool appliqué class model today and will share the finish with you this evening...

*Blessed be, my Friends*
 ~ Lori ~


  1. Love your farmhouse,Lori. Looks so nice and neat. It does a soul good to clean out, straighten, and get rid of things from time to time. I know...I've made a few changes myself in the past few months. I am anxiously awiting to see your finished applique this evening.

  2. Lori your home is just perfect! When can I move in? LOL! I know what you mean by having to decorate so early for the seasons! Same here... I am plain tired of a lot of "stuff"! And I can't wait to see what you do with the flat screen!
    Cathy G

  3. Oh I can't wait to see what you come up with to cover your flatscreen...I have been wanting to do the same thing!
    Beautiful farmhouse!!

  4. if I didn't know better I would swear I was in my grandma's farm house, its amazing, so authentic, and that to me is the attraction, keeping with tradition, thank you for sharing, , can't wait to whats next!

  5. I always enjoy a tour through your inviting farmhouse and it gets cozier every year.
    Yes, those televisions stick out like a sore thumb. I'm anxious to see what you do, I know it will be neat.

  6. I love your farmhouse Lori and the way you make it so cozy and inviting. Great pictures. Looking forward to seeing your finished project too. Have a great day. Hugs, Lori

  7. Such a cozy place - thanks for all the wonderful 'eye candy'! Blessings

  8. This is EXACTLY the look I'm slowly incorporating into our home :) I've done country, prim, modern (too stark and cold looking for my taste) and now I'm making it warmer looking and more inviting.

    I'd especially like to see your sofa and loveseat. We've been looking to replace our large sofa with possibly a loveseat with rocker/recliner features but haven't found anything that fits in with this kind of decor. It's either leather or ugly looking fabric and they're just as big as our sofa is now :( Any suggestions online where to look??

  9. Beautiful, warm & cozy! You did invite us all over for turkey dinner, right? ;-) Looking forward to seeing Holly Vine... sure wish I could make it to the class... I'll be hooking up St. Nick soon... just purchased the pattern from Spruce Ridge over the weekend... :-)

  10. oh how cozy....love it all....I was meaning to tell you how much a really love that antique lamp, it has kind of an elaborate shade, omg, I simply love it!

  11. Your home looks so wonderful, Lori...love your style. I much prefer less clutter, as well. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs, Linda

  12. Your home is such a warm inviting place!

  13. Warm, cozy and beautiful! Love your home .

  14. that is all just wonderful!
    love your old things!

  15. Your farmhouse is total bliss - just wonderful. thanks for inviting us over - Mel

  16. LOVE the farmhouse...so simple!

  17. Love your prim farmhouse!!!
    So inviting!!! TFS
    Prim Blessings


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