Saturday, October 26, 2013

~~~::~~~ Holly Vine ~~~::~~~

I'm making progress on the model for my 
Holly Vine Wool Applique class ~
Class for this project will be on 
January 18th 2014 (wow) 
...from 11:00 - 3:00

Holly Berry Vine
 I am not fussy when I appliqué.
quite the contrary ~

staples hold my pieces in place in lieu of pins ~ 
 I prefer simple whip-stitches
 to the more traditional blanket (penny rug) stitch ~
the outcome has an older, lighter feel to me.

stem is finished with simple whip-stitches
 I don't use perle cotton either,
I prefer a thin, linen-colored cotton thread that blends well with everything:

tiny stitches of thread
 and I prefer a backing of cotton instead of appliquéing onto wool...
here I'm using osnaburg for the backing ~

wool on cotton
 I never start out with a pattern ~
instead I let my scissors play...

meandering, blowzy holly vine
my little sewing basket matches perfectly, 
don't you think?? 

 I've chosen a mix of solid and textured wools for the leaves ~
the berries are not truly 'round' but more wonky...
a very relaxed piece to work on.

little berries on the vine
 you can see my stitches here:

some you can see, others disappear into the wool
 I'm a very relaxed teacher ~ 
I want you to enjoy the process of creating your work...
perhaps some mistakes will be made,
but that is what handwork is about ~

...being humble, but doing your best.

backside shows my little knots and small stitches.
If you'd like to sign up for this class in January,
or the wreath/salve class in November (which is filling up quickly!)
I'm only an email away... 

I'll be in the shop today,
working on this and enjoying the company of friends and the warmth of the wood stove ~
Hoping your hands are busy & warm today!

*Blessed be, my Friends* 
 ~ Lori ~


  1. waoowwww, very beautiful ... I love this.

  2. Lori I love your relaxed approach to wool appliqué! I like that look as well as using the blanket stitch! Just working with wool is so forgiving and fun no matter which technique is chosen! Sure wish I could just hop on over for the wreath and salve class....sigh... I'll be there in spirit for sure!! Have fun and stay cozy by that wood stove!!
    Cathy G

  3. can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. This is such a lovely piece Lori! It brings me a sense of comfort. I love that the sewing is so relaxed. Wish I lived close so that I could take the class.

  5. Loving it, beautiful colors! I'm with you, I like the simple whip stitches so much better than the blanket stitch. Sure wish I could sign up for the class, if only I was closer!

  6. Ohhh Lori, how I wish I could sign up. But the distance would do me in. I am contemplating one of maggie B's designs and am at an impasse. Really would love it if there was someone like you around here that held classes for people like me. I do not give up just may take me longer than anyone else. Please show us your finished piece.
    Love following your Blog, it always inspiring.

    Warm Regards with Peace & Blessings to all,

  7. Wish I could take a class with you as well! Will a pattern for this be available in your Etsy shop? I just love it. Holly is one of my favorite motifs.

  8. ...wished I lived close by...I really love the way you are doing this wool rules, your way.....a true artist !!!

  9. I love this design. Please sign me up for the applique class, too. And, are a very relaxed and encouraging teacher. Hope I can get over to do some hookin', soon.

  10. Oh how the love of olde shines through the way it should! I am reminded of my beloved mentor ~ you both have the same approach. Sometimes we need a reminder...or perhaps the license that creativity holds no rules.

  11. Looks to be a beauty! Olde Tyme Christmas designs are so comforting.

  12. Oh how I wish I lived closer...even within 3 hours....I'd be at this class!!! I love wool applique...your tiny stitches with cotton thread looks beautiful! I use Gutermann's thread with my applique...but I haven't done one in so was when I first fell in love with wool! Gorgeous design, Lori!

  13. Gorgeous! Holly is one of my favorite motifs.

  14. Gorgeous colors and design. I have several of the woven sewing baskets but they are all plain so you have inspired me to be on the lookout for ones with a woven design. ~Roberta


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