Thursday, September 05, 2013

Honored ~

I received my Christmas 2013 issue of
magazine yesterday 
...and am so excited to see my little stocking pattern in their pages!!

 You can find your copy at finer booksellers nationwide ~
or you can purchase a copy from me at the SHOW here on September 21st :)

~ my little Quaker Sampler Stocking ~
and speaking of Christmas, here is a peek at another up & coming design 
...that Mizz Flea just finished:
"Mary Snow"

coming soon!
 Getting back to Hallowe'en...
on my worktable this morning ~ little halloweenies:

O U C H !
 I decided to give them
 antique hand-blown glass eyes from Germany
instead of my usual painted ones ~ the look!

aren't they cool?

I SEE you!
 There will be 3 little boys
...and 2 little girls ~
I should be finished with them very soon 
 ~ and will share their finish when they're ready :)

a little creepy, but sweet!
 they still need their clothes and hats, then accessories ~

Another beautiful *Sparkling* day here on the farm ~ high & dry and cooler temps.
for dreaming of Fall.....

Have a beautiful day &
*Blessed be, my Friends* 
 ~ Lori ~


  1. I love the stocking....simply stunning and those little Halloween guys are priceless and smile worthy!

  2. Your pumpkin folk are adorable! I will look forward to the Christmas craft issue of EAL.

  3. I love your pumpkin people and congrats on your pattern getting published-how exciting (I am a new reader) Kathy

  4. I received my issue a few days ago and until I saw your post, forgot all about it. Where the hell is it? Can't wait to see your work in it!

  5. Congratulations!!!! And yes, your pumpkin people are just perfect!!

  6. Congratulations Lori~I can't wait to get my copy <3 Enjoying your Punkins~ I do love the glass eyes!

  7. Totally LOVE your pumpkin folk, can't wait to see them all dressed and ready for the big day.I will be out looking for that magazine next trip to town. always looking forward to your posts.

  8. The pumpkin people are great. Can't wait to receive my copy of Early American Life!!!!

  9. Oh Fabulous! Congratulations! Will be sure to buy my own copy and not just take my Mom's this time around ;) LOOOOOVE the pumpkins! Always a joy to see your work!

  10. looking forward to picking up that issue of EAL

  11. Congratulations !!!! That is so awesome to be part of their magazine !!! Love your new little pumpkin folks & those eyes are so cute !!!This cool weather has felt so good & gets the creative juices going again !!!!

  12. I just received my EAL today and saw your beautiful stocking...what an honor! Those little pumpkin people are soooo cute...I love the eyes!

  13. Congratulations and I love your little guys!
    Homespun Elegance

  14. My EAL came today, too. Love your stocking! Can't wait to get the pattern enlarged and start on it. I just love the brown and blacks you chose, so much better than red and green, in my opinion.

  15. congrats! I love the stocking and your pumpkin people.

  16. well deserved !!!!! I can't wait to receive my copy!!!!

  17. Congrats!!! What a honor, love that magazine. I LOVE the glass eyes as well!!

  18. OOH! I can't wait to get my magazine in the mail.
    The new design looks great but those guys are a little creepy right now.. I think it is their eyes... lol
    Have a wonderful Friday!

  19. I love your blog, and have done several of your hooked rug patterns. I am usually NOT picky, but as a practicing Quaker, having yourvstocking called a Quaker sampler just rubbed me the wrong way...I guess I am weary of Quaker this and that, using the name but not the beliefs..sorry to vent!

  20. Please allow me to reply to the comment above :)

    Hello Lynda ~ first, thank you for visiting my blog!
    happy to know you enjoy my rug patterns as well ~

    I would like to clarify on the naming of my 'Quaker' sampler stocking design:

    I was inspired by early Quaker cross stitch samplers in designing my project for the magazine. I have always admired the history and workmanship behind these needleworks and thought the motifs would work well for the my project.

    In no way was my project meant to represent any spiritual or religious belief, just the beautiful handwork of the designs from early Quaker needlework....if I have offended you or anyone, that was simply not my intention.

    Thanks for understanding & Blessed be!

    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  21. How wonderful ~ congrats !!
    will have to get that issue !

    Mandy xx

  22. Oh my, those pumpkin-headed guys are so creepy cute! Such personality already. I can't wait to see the finished project. Now I'm off to my local library to check out the newest edition of Early American Life. Congratulations!!

  23. Congrats on being featured in's about time EAL had more needlework articles. I was turned off by the magazine last I felt it was falling away from its pure roots...but I will definitely check out the Christmas issue !


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