Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Morning Musings ~

Good Morning Friends & Folk ~
another sparkler of a day here at Notforgotten Farm...
we've been blessed with dry. sunny days and crisp cool nights as-of-late.
I would prefer this weather to stay year round if I had any say in it!
It's been so nice that I have been stitching on the front porch ~
dreaming up all kinds of cool, new A U T U M N inspired things!
here are a couple of necklaces that I made yesterday:
needle punched witch pendant and wool-embroidered Jack pendant

Mizz Witch is, of course, punched on weavers cloth using my 6 strand method...
I also incorporated dimensional punching techniques (for her hair) and french knots for her eyes...
Mister J A C K has been stitched using Waverly tapestry wool onto my 30ct Old Farmhouse Linen.
I used chain stitch, straight stitch and french knots for his finish.
both of them were stained and aged with walnut dye.

they are also stuffed with our organic sawdust for a really old feel ~
...witch is approx. 2.5 : x 1.5" ~ jack is approx. 2" x 3"

I have yet to 'finish' witchiepoo into a necklace, still have to add a little 'charm' or two to her.

little jack
 I added one of those tiny skeleton keys that I showed you previously ~
along with an old bone button and vegetable-ivory knitting ring.
 I'll be making more of these type of pendants and they will soon be available in our etsy shop
and here at the Gathering of Primitive Friends Show on September 21st ~
~ A N D ~
Dear, sweet husband Peter
(and I do say that with much love)
reeeeeaaaaalllllly wanted me to share the following photos with you all:
a helicopter came to
Notforgotten Farm to survey and manage
one of our large fields where we grow the lumber for our line of wooden ware;
 OLD as Dirt Primitives©
I ran and got the camera and snapped these for him ~
flying ove little Daisy

coming down our drive ~
 such excitement around these parts!
even Lazy couldn't figure out what the heck that thing was buzzing around overhead...

and directly overhead he was....


Nocchi & Daisy were not happy.
waaaay too much noise for them ~
they're used to the peaceful surroundings of our humble farm
(as am I)

and here is Peter,
my little boy Dear Hubby...
along with his cohort Chris, and of course
Big Ol' Buddy
watching the 'copter...

The Three Amigos
Hoping you have a beautiful day wherever you spend it!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Who's neck wouldn't be proud to wear an adornment such as these? They are beautiful!!
    What fun photos of the whirly bird . . . boys love those things don't they?


  2. Lori~ you never cease to amaze me with your abundant and sweet whimsies~ I would love to wear such treasures about me~ I look forward to seeing them!
    and what fun for the boys~

  3. They are wonderful! Especially love the Jack pendant! It is so nice to see pics of your farm and the animals.
    I miss being on a farm.

  4. they are so witchy!!!!! I love them so much!

  5. Your necklaces are real winners. How lucky you are to share your home and surroundings with sweet animals. Wished we could have more...but we do have Kody our wonderful Alaskan Malamute.
    Enjoyed your posting as always.
    Much Peace and Blessings,

  6. wonderful necklaces!!! Can't wait to see you!

  7. Love the necklaces and the pictures of the excitement at Notforgotten Farm!


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