Friday, July 12, 2013

{ TGIF }

Well Howdy!
so, it's been raining here for um....
we have mushroom colonies popping up all over ~
the humidity level is ridiculous and the heat.
well lets just say it's hot.
been like this for so long now that i can't remember what the sun looks like ~
and if it does peek out for a few brief moments, it scorches us.
so in my little farmhouse I'll stay ~
.... the July/Aug/Sept. 2013
 kits have begun shipping!!!!
 if you don't have yours yet, will soon! :)
here is the picture of the finished project below:
"Little Red Schoolhouse" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ LSHC July/Aug/Sept 2013
 We have gained so many new LSHC members
since we decided to offer a perpetual membership for the club ~
my thanks to all that are playing along!
if you'd like to join us, or if you'd like more info on becoming a club member,
please click on the link above.
Here is my scant progress on the OWL 'O ween design...
I'm stitching as fast as I can to get this one ready to be released with the
'Reverend' many of you have asked to preorder but I really want to offer more of them together for the season....
so please stay tuned!
Between raindrops yesterday,
I tried to pull al few weeds but was drawn to my flowers instead ~
they begged me to bring them in,
so I happily obliged.
aren't they cheerful?
black eyed suzy's, coneflower and butterfly bush

and here is a boy and his kitten ~
they are in love...

peter & minew


those eyes and that half-pink little nose...such a sweet kitty ~

love I say.....

'do you love me or do you not? told me once but i forgot...'
Hoping there's a little sunshine where you are ~
Have a beautiful day & Blessed be!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. We finally are getting some relief from the humidity today! Nice cool breeze but the sun is still not out! I have some bonnets drying under my tree but it is taking forever!

    Loving your sampler!!!!

  2. Minew has gotten quite big....or a least way bigger then that tiny little stray she was at first. She is really thriving in her loving home!
    We have our first sunny day here in nearly a week, and it's actually NOT a tropic jungle out there.

  3. Love your flowers, black eyed susan's are a favorite! No queen anne's lace? another of my favorites but some consider it a weed.
    Hard to tell who enjoys who more, Peter or Minew; it's a tie.

  4. It has been raining here forever too Lori. 18 days straight I do belive. Love your new designs and your flowers are so pretty. Have a great weekend!

  5. I love the little red school house!

  6. Sunshine here on lago Maggiore north of Italy. Your new kit model is just beautifull!! Hugs from Italy Lori!!!!!


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