Wednesday, July 10, 2013

{ Progress & Previews }

Today I have one foot in Hallowe'en
....and the other in Winter ~
I'm working on the 'OWL O' ween' design,
and you can see that I'm almost finished with the boy-owl's clothing...
poor little headless thing ~
...progress of OWL O'ween ~ stotching on 32ct Old Farmhouse Linen from ©Notforgotten Farm
see those old pins?
I use them to count out my stitches...
by pinning them in every ten stitches so I can keep my placement and not have to frog.
{ I love frogs and toads, and lizards...ok, snakes too)
I HATE frogging out my mis-counted stitches!
for those of you unfamiliar with the term 'frog' or 'frogging' ~
in the 'stitching' world, it means to take out your mistake...or rip it out,
rip it rip it rip it = ribbet ribbet ribbet = frogging!
(get it?)
so these old pins help me keep track of rows of ten,
like our charts are counted into 10 x 10 works for me.
(clear as mud?)
headless owl-boy
 In other news:
I have been keeping a secret....
Our Farmhouse will be featured in the Winter 2013 issue of
We had thee pleasure of hosting Franklin & Esther Schmidt (photographers)
 while our humble abode was decorated for a simple Country Christmas...
I am in the process of designing a free downloadable ornament for you to cross stitch ~
here's a sneak peek preview:
threads are stitched in quiet, snowy shades...
 So you can see that my mind is caught between two seasons right now!
(if i had my way, I would live in a perpetual AUTUMN!)

...and my days would not be complete without the companionship of Iggy...
although he prefers to sleep most of the time on the bed in the cool bedroom ~

sleepy Ig ~

I want to thank you for your kind comments on our new frame and 'Rev' design!
I am stitching as fast as I can to expedite his (and the others') release date!!
Always a pleasure to read your comments, they mean the world to me.
always happy to receive phonecalls from excited Folks too!
...Wishing you all a beautiful day my Friends ~
Blessed be!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. I am so excited to see your house in Country Sampler, I love that magazine, can't wait.Thanks for explaining about the frogging, I knew what it meant (from experience lol) but didn't know why, now I do so there's my learning for today.Love the Reverend Gourden Squashbottom and the frame is perfect for him.I look forward to your posts even if I don't always comment.

  2. What super news to share with your readers, Lori! Hope you will give a reminder when it comes closer to coming out!

    Robin in Virginia

  3. That is awesome! I'll be sure and pick up that issue!

  4. What wonderful news! Can't wait to pick up my copy. Even with all the excitement what a peaceful and serene environment you and Peter have created. Beautiful.

  5. So now that you are autumn and winter, can you make this humidity and heat go away? Wishful thinking huh? I am so excited for you to be in Country Sampler, I will keep my eyes out at the news racks for when it becomes available...happy stitching my friend :)

  6. Your work is divine no matter the season. Congrat's on being published. I look forward to seeing both of these completed.

  7. how exciting!! i can't wait to get mine. congratulations!!!!!!!!!! denise

  8. I had a feeling your farmhouse was going to be "published" when you left your Christmas decor up last year and said you had a surprise. I can't wait!


  9. Wow...I really am out of the loop...I didn't even realize Country Sampler was still around. I've not seen one of those in probably 10 years..yikes!

  10. Keep the Halloween designs coming. Can't wait to see Owl boy! I subscribe to that magazine. I 'll be looking forward to seeing your home featured!

  11. How Great is that ... am so happy for you and I will surely get that issue of 'Country Sampler'. Thanks for the education ... now I know about frogging. Iggy looks so peaceful.

  12. I am so excited, Lori! I'm looking forward to watching others get introduced to the wonderful world of Notforgotten Farms. I find myself talking about your cherished creations to all ;-) I cannot wait for Country Sampler to hit the stands!! so proud of you...

  13. Well, it is Always a pleasure to see your blog with your beautiful stitches also even is we can see also a wip...

  14. Congratulations on Country Sampler!! Woot!
    Lovely progress on the new designs.
    Sweet Iggy.

  15. You are so talented Lori!!!

    Congratulations on the Magazine shoot!!!

  16. That is wonderful Lori! So happy for you and Peter.
    Homespun Elegance

  17. Such beautiful work as always. Looking forward to seeing both pieces as you go along.

  18. Oh yes... I know frogging ALL TOO WELL, haha! I don't know why I never thought of this though, thanks for the awesome tip!

    Congrats on your upcoming CS feature!! I will be anxiously awaiting that issue!

    I'm with you... I'd be living in a perpetual autumn also. It's my favorite time of all, even more so than Christmas.

    Have a delightful week~

  19. I have been deep in my work, but when I get a chance to pop my head out, this is the first place that I come. I so love the colors, textures and characters. You are always a soft place to land, my friend. Congrats on Country Sampler,I can't wait to see~

    Yours in perpetual Autumn,


  20. Lori,

    Thanks for the info on frogging...just love the pin idea as i usually lose my count and have to start over and over.
    Can't wait to get my winter issue of Country Sampler! Love the "Rev" and the colonial inspired frame...definitely will want this...always love your designs!

    Martha Doe 4theluvofprimitives


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