Monday, July 22, 2013

{ speaking of feathered friends...}

the swelling on my hand has gone down,
now it is just a loverly shade of blackened-crimson with hints of eggplant.
hence the lack of photos of it today for it is a bit gruesome...
it still works, so there's another blessing for ya!
working away on the OWL O' ween design ~
here is the progress thusfar:
finally...a face!

working on his tophat

love his little green bibs!
 and as you know,
I'm nuts about birds and keep my binoculars at-the-ready for backyard visitors.
...this beautiful little boy and his wife graced the broom corn
growing by the window this morning...
and I had to capture him for you.
male Indigo Bunting

handsome little man

have you ever seen one yourself?
...between these and the Goldfinch, our backyard is full of color & commotion...
the Goldfinch are quick though, so I couldn't capture any ~
The heat has broken here a bit in VA...
but, we are expecting heavy thunderstorms this week.
Humidity is still here though ~ I would love to fly open the windows and breathe in some cool clean air!
I've received a couple of email from members of the LSHC regarding their kits ~
and you should all have received yours by the end of this week.
Have a beautiful day my Friends & Blessed be!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Yes I have seen the bluebird- you can't forget that shade of blue. Reminds me of Cinderella and the blue birds that help make her dress.

    Glad to hear you hand is getting better.

  2. They do look like Cinderella's little helpers!
    we have Bluebirds here too, Jacqueline, but they are the Eastern Bluebirds, not to be confused with the Indigo Buntings :) the Bluebirds have little peach & white colored bellies...we have nest boxes set up all along Pinocchio & Daisy's fence line for them...we love to watch them feed their babies!
    ~ L

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We have them here on the farm too Lori, they love to sit in the driveway/road and I love seeing that bright blue flash as they fly day I had the cardinals, gold finches, house finches and the buntings all at the courtyard feeder, so colorful!

    Love Mr Owl, he is darling, can't wait for you to release him along with the Rev!

    Glad your hand is getting better...don't forget the arnica!

    Enjoying the "cloudy" weather, better than that searing sunshine but yes, the humidity can go any time now!


  5. Wow, that is a beautiful blue bird ! I have never seen one, sometimes I see the Eastern Blue birds when I walk & their color is beautiful too.

    Glad to hear your hand is healing & you can stitch !!!

    I am sick of the heat & humidity !

  6. Hi Lori. I've only seen a Bunting once and the iridescence and strong color was magnificent.

  7. Hello, om my, that is such a beautiful blue Bunting, you are very lucky to have them in your neck of the woods, thanks for sharing, none in these parts......happy your hand is healing, love the stitching, Summer Blessings Francine.

  8. hello its me cucki :)
    from south africa..THE SMILING WITCH :)
    the bird is so cute..i love him.i love birds so much.
    your stitches are always so sweet and i feel them close to my heart.
    i adore you.
    hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Looks like your owl design is going to be a fun stitch!!!
    What a handsome bird ~ such beautiful coloring ~ TFS
    Prim Blessings

  10. Enjoyed your photo's of the buntings. I have never seen a bunting but we have two different kinds of blue birds here in western Canada, we have the eastern bluebirds with the rosey breast and we have the mountain bluebird, all blue but I think a different shade than the bunting and a smaller beak too. Love all your nature photos and I am thrilled to get "sneak peeks" of what you are stitching. The haalloween ones look very interesting!

  11. So glad that your hand is getting better!
    Wonderful stitching and backyard visitors :)

  12. Lori,
    I've been enjoying all of your recent posts. Sorry I haven't commented much. Your little owl guy is the cutest! I'm really interested in The Reverend. Can't wait for you to offer your new patterns. Have a most wonderful day my friend. Hugs, Lori

  13. Hi Lori,
    I too am a follower to your wonderful blog but have not commented. Wanted to let you know I love it! Thanks for being here and sharing your beautiful world!

  14. LOVE your Owl O'ween and your bunting pictures are lovely, such a vivid blue! Thanks for the update on the kits, I was about to email you myself LOL! Can't wait to get my first one, Deb


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