Wednesday, July 24, 2013

{ L I N E N }

I've been receiving such nice emails from folks that are stitching
on my Old Farmhouse linen...
I am so happy that you are happy with it!
I have alot of messy fun dyeing it ~ and every yard comes out different than the next...
it's always a suprise for me when it dries and I get to see the mottled colors and stains appear ~
I just added some 28ct Old Farmhouse Linen
in our Etsy shop for those that want to stitch on a little larger count than the 30 or 32ct ~
I'll be adding some 32ct in the etsy shop today too
...for those that want to stitch on something a little smaller.
Old Farmhouse Linen from Notforgotten Farm©
I wanted to run this by you all ~
what are your thoughts on me dyeing up some black, dark brown, or charcoal-colored linen?
I have a design in my head
( one among thousands! )
 that I want to stitch in
Shades of White
and think it would look great on a really dark background... a comment and let me know your thoughts on this!!
I'm off to finish stitching the 'OWL O'ween' design ~
I should have a sneak peek of it soon and of the
'Weep Not' design that Miss Flea is finishing up.
Have a beautiful day my Friends!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Good morning! Wow - go for it! Sounds like a fun idea to me...charcoal brown would be my first choice...then again...the charcoal sounds interesting...I would love to get my hands on some Farmhouse linen AND those primitive floss keeps!!! go back and look at that charming blue visitor of yours........

  2. Good morning! Wow - go for it! Sounds like a fun idea to me...charcoal brown would be my first choice...then again...the charcoal sounds interesting...I would love to get my hands on some Farmhouse linen AND those primitive floss keeps!!! go back and look at that charming blue visitor of yours........

  3. I love your linen so I am sure any other color you do would be fabulous...any of the colors you mentioned sound interesting, esp with a white project! Have a wonderful "hump" day Lori! :)

  4. WOnder why it came up anonymous on my comment (the last one)??

  5. I think 'shades of white' would be stunning on your dyed black linen, don't know if I could stitch something like that for my ageing eyes working on black would be difficult. But perhaps if it were 28 count linen? I'd like to try.

  6. Snowmen & Halloween would look Neat on your new colors !!! Another good idea !!!!

  7. I'd stitch on it; charcoal would be my preference for the white I think. You are so creative! I'm off to the Etsy to order my linen.

  8. Hi Lori! I just finished a little stitch on your 30 ct linen and I LOVE it! Your linen is by far the best I've found in a long is an absolute joy to stitch on and I love how it finishes up. I think the darker colors would be great...I know I'd definitely buy some :)

  9. I would love the dark brown - I like to stitch borders and then use it for a "background" in a frame with an old picture or paper cut out in the middle.
    Love your ideas!

  10. I really like the idea of light stitches on a dark background, so I am all for it.

  11. I am sure it will look wonderful. I have never stitched on dark colors....but it sounds nice

  12. I think the darker linen stitched with whitish threads sounds wonderful!

  13. i don't see why not. a lot of people like darker colors.can you imagine a jack on black linen? denise

  14. Love the shades of these linens. Definitely go with dark brown. Black is a little too harsh.


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