Tuesday, July 16, 2013

{ right back where I started from....}

sorry for the blur in the pic ~
I've gotten to the same point in my stitching on this 30ct linen as I did initially on the 32ct.
for my OWL O' ween design....
colorful highliters!
 on the left is the 30ct ~ the right is the 32ct:
really not a huge difference in finished stitched size, but stitching it is alot smoother now :)

the linen is all wrinkly because I'm stitching it without a hoop...
sometimes I use a little wooden hoop, othertimes, not.

hoping to stitch on it more this afternoon
after I resume getting the rest of the LSHC kits in the mail for you!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Hi Lori, Both look great to me. Do you usually find 30 ct is smoother? I usually stitch on 32 but could try 30 count.

  2. Hi Barb ~ I like both, and really need to practice more on my 32ct :)

  3. Evening Lori,
    Well me not being an expert or even a novice - I can't really tell much difference but in person I'm sure there's subtle difference in the stitches. But what I see I like!

  4. I like the 30ct just fine! While I love tiny stitches, I love the stitching more.

  5. It's never fun to begin again on a design . . . but when it turns out so lovely it's all worth it!
    Happy stitches!

  6. For me, the smaller is more beautiful! I never use the hoop I love touch the linen stitching !


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