Friday, July 19, 2013

{ a little road trip }

Flea & I took a detour from our everday routine and ended up in York, PA on Wednesday.
we visited my sweet friend Kathy Barrick at her wonderful ca. 1800's stone house ~
Kathy & I

Flea & Kathy

is she not thee cutest little thing???
 here are some snaps of her picture-perfect home
that just happens to be

double front doors

view from side of house

H U G E barn out back!


barn swallows

there is an inground pool just inside this picket fence...
imagine swimming around just outside of the cornfields?

side entrance

and the inside.....
these are what I would call the Keeping Room or Parlor:

be still my heart.

here is her fabulous Dining Room...
the salmon colored walls sang to me!

huge cupboard filled with Mullberry Transferware.... L O V E

stately Deacon's Bench holds a child's rocker and grainsack ~

a view of her kitchen ~

~ here's her little Mudroom at the back of the house:

 and now here are some shot of the upstairs ~
Kathy collects these: they are old French porcelain grave markers
and they are FABulous ~
 Flea & I slept in the room that also happens to be
where Kathy creates her sentimental and gorgeously beautiful jewelry ~
such GOOD vibes & energy in this whole house!

other side of same room...
 Here's Mizz Flea,
pretending she knows what she's doing
sitting at Kathy's worktable :)

this room is the Master Bath...

Kathy holds a booth at the
Beaver Creek Antiques Mall
in Hagerstown, Maryland
where she sells her hand-picked goods ~
Jimmie Cramer (Season's at Seven Gates Farm co-author) also holds a few booths there
and of course we had to spend some time in their booths.
I highly recommend this antiques shop!!!
here is a small collection of little red calico dresses in Kathy's foyer/room

a small smattering of Kathy's collection of apothecary jars

peaceful sheep, tin lanterns and old scissors....perfect & quiet

If you would like more info and are perhaps interested in this beautiful home & land
you can contact Kathy through her blog (link below)
While we were visiting,
Kathy asked that I be the one to draw a name for her Blog Giveaway...
so I did.
You can visit Kathy's blog at:
for the winners name...congrats!
Kathy & I did alot of brainstorming while we were together,
and I hope in the near future we can share some exciting new with you all!!!
Don't forget that Kathy will be here at our Gathering show on September 21st
with her NEW cross stitch designs and jewelry ~
Kathy ~
you are a sweet, generous humble soul
I am honored to call you friend
and fortunate that our paths crossed years ago...
much xoxoxox to you
and thanks for putting up with us ;)
~ L

Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. What a treat to see Kathy's house! I bet it was a treat for you all to visit too. Thanks for the tour!

  2. What a beautiful home !!
    Glad you all had a nice visit.
    I look forward to seeing Kathy's creations at the show . xx

  3. I would have no problem living in that house, beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  4. OMGosh - what a wonderful Post Lori - I bet it was a great visit, so nice to see so many photos. Thanks Melody

  5. What a wonderful trip to take. Kathy has such a beautiful home inside and out.
    Would love to see her and Jimmy's booths. I love my Seven Gates Farm Book and the articles in Country Home magazine that he has contributed.

    Martha 4theluvofprimitives/etsy

  6. Oh My Gosh, I am so jealous. What a wonderful little trip to a wonderful home, full of wonderful stuff. I know the three of you had such fun.
    Enjoyed talking to you so much this am.
    Homespun Elegance

  7. It was absolutely wonderful spending time with you Lori! You are as beautiful on the inside are you are on the out! Can't wait to see you next!

  8. WOW! What a beautiful home! I must try to make it down to the antique store. Don't think I've ever been there!

  9. kathy kathy kathy how I miss you when I'm in Nashville!!!Lucky Lori visiting her!!! gorgeous picts!!

  10. WOW...what a Beautiful Home, how can she move ??? Beautiful have Very Special Friends Lori !!!

  11. Lori, Saw you on Kathy's blog pulling the winning number. And now Kathy is o your blog; what a ice treat for all! Gorgeous home and yard.
    Nice to be friends

  12. Thanks for the tour! Those floors bring tears to my eyes. I love the outside almost as much as in. Sounds like an enjoyable little road trip!

  13. I was just in Lancaster county PA and loved the stone houses/barns.. So I was drawn into your blog post ... love the house and love her jewelry design room.. jealous and inspired all at the same time.


  14. Her home is so gorgeous. I love the rock work. It is unreal. I love everything about it all the pictures are so wonderful and I just want to move in it.

    Please visit My Webblog


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