Thursday, June 20, 2013

{ seeing the light... }

I love my yellow highlighter!
and I would be lost without it...
when I saw mizz flea using one, it was like a bulb went off in my pea-brain.
what a stroke of genius!!
 (I'm sure lots of you use one too as you're stitching along,
it just takes me a little longer than most i guess!)

it truly does keep me on track of my stitches...
and believe me,
i can get waaaayyyy off track ~

 I also do this:
scribble all over my chart.
(oh the horror!)
but it is a quick way to count and remember what you've just counted....

the remaining braincells that I have are under lots of stress from MENopause and
i simply cannot remember what i counted three seconds ago.
(what was i saying?....)
but, I am enjoying my stitching on the patio today ~
finishing up the Little Red Schoolhouse model for the next LSHC kit.
it is pretty out today, not too hot or cold with a slight breeze.
every once in a while a little hummingbird comes to the feeder or a chicken or 6 walks past me.
~ peaceful & serene ~
especially nice now since the blasted cicada's have gone
to wherever-it-is-they-go for another 17 years. ugh.
and my table was brightened even more by the gift of some sweet gardenia blooms
from friends Jane & Steve...
aaahhhhh...thank you friends!

 so here is where I am at presently with the model...
working on the tree to the right of the schoolhouse.

I had mentioned in a previous post
that I think you'll like the finish idea I have for this one ~
it involves an old book.
any old book you may have lying around
that you wouldn't mind repurposing into something pretty.
or any old book that you can find at a thrift store, goodwill or yardsale....
an old book that is approx. 6" x 8" or a little larger perhaps.
UPDATED***** you will definitely need a book no smaller than 6" x 8"
sorry about my miscalculation!!!
so if you are a member of our LSHC,
you'll need to begin the hunt for an old book for this project!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Just be careful with hi-lighters -- they don't come out of your project if they bleed onto it.

    Just sayin' -- after learning the hard way.


  2. Hi Lori!
    This post is just what I needed today. It's what I call a "pick me up post"! Sitting outside on such a beautiful day and working with your beautiful stitching. Oh my! Excellent!

    LindaLee from
    CrossN' My Stitches

  3. One company sells erasable high lighters - they are awesome!

  4. Thank you ,now I don't feel as family teases me when it comes to numbers....I have had to rip out & re-do waaaayyyyyy too many cross stitches, I have to give the high lighter a try !!! Hopefully it will cure me ....pretty funny ! It is a perfect day here in New England too. Love your school house !

  5. Gorgeous day here in Philly too Lori. Love what your stitching. A schoolhouse book cover. Ingenious :) Enjoy you peaceful stitching time my friend.

  6. I've only been using markers for keeping my stitching place for a short time, too. Very helpful! Aren't the gardenias plentiful this year? You know if you keep the stem in water (strip off the leaves) they will root fairly easily and you can have your own bush!

  7. I would be afraid of a highlighter...I know I would make a mistake . But I write all over my chart...because I copy ( only for personal use)..I also fold them up while stitching so I can hold in my hand with hoop so just one area is showing. What ever works...

  8. We enjoyed our visit with you and Peter and Peaches and Pinocchio and Daisy and Buddy and Lazy and the peacock and chickens!! Thanks for the eggs. There is so much happy, positive energy at Notforgotten Farm!!

  9. I bought highlighters in every color, thick and thin, and my charts look like a coloring book when I'm done!

  10. I "super size" (enlarge) all of my cross stitch patterns on our home photocopier. Having the pattern on 2 or 3 sheets of paper (taped together) really helps. Mouse

  11. Appreciate all the good info from Lori and readers...need all the help I can get! Love the schoolhouse!


  12. Now that is a wonderful idea, how many times have I totally forgotten where I was on a chart! Thanks for the tip, Deb

  13. I keep highlighters with all my projects. I buy them at the Dollar Store in huge quantities :) They work great for knitting charts too. I also have to write numbers down, especially with my knitting. So easy to lose track.


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