Wednesday, June 26, 2013

{ New Goods, New Book & Picnic-ing Roosters }

Here is a brief preview of our new additions to the
line of wooden needfuls that we offer:
i know...just a tease, and unfinished too!
...but I will be working on their finishes today...
 We'll be adding the new items to our
on Sunday, June the evening ~
we will have a beautiful Button Box,
a Butter Paddle
(with a little cross stitch pattern for you to stitch and mount to it)
some finished little Framed Drawings
and maybe a Suprise or two!!!
I am thrilled to announce that I have been working with
the Kansas City Star Publishing Company
on a project book!!!
the title of my book is
"Autumn at Notforgotten Farm"
and it includes 8 projects for you ~
rug hooking, wool appique, cross stitch, punch needle and a simple sewing project.
a little something for everyone!!
We're hoping for a release date of September 1st 2013 ~
I am over-the-moon happy, scared, excited and nervous about it,
but working with the wonderful folks at
Kansas City Star have made me feel comfortable....I had NO idea how much work a publishing company goes through to being us such publications....I have a newfound appreciation for editors!!
(Thanks my friend Jenifer if you're reading this!!!) 
I'm hoping you will be as excited as I am when it becomes available ~
and I'll be sure to fill you in on more details as I receive them.
(woot woot!)
and ok....
here are some of our crazy roosters:
the BIG black one is our 'little' Toby...
((remember the tiny chick I almost threw into the woods last October? yeah...THAT Toby.)
Toby & two of his brothers ~
 Peter & I were eating our breakfast on the patio this morning
and these characters decided to hop onto the picnic table ~
perhaps for a better view?
maybe they wanted their breakfast served there?
or were they merely strutting around on high-ground, better showing themselves off to the hens?
(me thinks all of the above)
maybe they are practicing the Chicken Dance?
well, folks ~
off to 'work' I go....
I will share about the upcoming LSHC project in my next post!
~ wishing you all a creative day ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Congratulations on your book! Can't wait to see it. Happy stitching!

  2. I hope you and Peter weren't eating eggs this morning with the roosters looking on..teehee :) Looking forward to seeing your new "stuff" Sunday evening...all beautiful I am sure..

  3. So happy for you Lori. Congrats on the book, it will be fab so no need to worry. I'm hoping you'll do signed copies ;)hint, hint hint.....
    Love the pics of Toby. He sure has grown into the big man on campus. So nice to see he is happy and well. Love to see the farm pics. I'm just a city gal, that's a wanabe farm chick.
    Hugs, ~Nan

  4. Congrats on your book Lori! I'll be looking for it.

  5. Whoo Hooo congratulations on the upcoming publication. Your work should be in glorious print..

  6. WOW . . congrats on the book Lori!! YAY!!

    Toby . . . he is a true testament to how love can make us grow! I do believe it was the nurturing you gave him that has made him such a proud and stately boy!! Bless you! What a beauty he is!


  7. www.orangesink.blogspot.comJune 26, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    We've all been waiting patiently for that book here Lori!
    Congrats and I'm sure it's going to be awesome! Love those roosters strutting on the table.... there's no better entertainment than that!!
    Cathy G

  8. Looking forward to getting the next "bestseller". Your roosters are very handsome boys!

  9. Can't wait to see the book. It will be fabulous I am sure. Congratulations!!


  10. Congrats Lori!..I look forward to your book..

  11. Wonderful about your book. Congrats!!
    Can't wait to see it.

  12. How exciting!!!! I think I need a copy of your book!!!

  13. Congrats on finally coming out about your book, I know you've been working hard...and by the looks of these lovely ladies' comments, you are sure to have a big hit :)

    Love you, mom!

  14. You are so talented, congrats on the book!!!


  15. Toby is one beautiful rooster!

    Your published book sounds wonderful...Congrats!


  16. Lori,
    I am absolutely thrilled for you and can't wait to hold your book in my hands! Congratulations! Toby has grown into such a handsome rooster! Can't wait for your update on Sunday. I will try to be patient ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  17. Congratulations on your book Lori! I can only imagine how incredibly wonderful it will be! You are so gifted!

  18. oh thrilling! i can't wait for your book, lori ~ many, many heart-felt congratulations!

    your "boys" are simply beautiful ~ wouldn't their pose-down make a great rug design?!



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