Thursday, June 27, 2013

{ Finished ! }

Here is the finished model for the next upcoming project for our
this design is
"Little Red Schoolhouse"

I wanted this design to carry you back to your days when excitement for going back to school was what fueled your last days of Summer...
remember shopping for new wool skirts and matching knee socks?
or the smell of a new box of crayons ~

 I purposely & severely stained and aged this little stitch...
adding holes and scuff marks for a worn primitive look.
(of course you don't have to do as such with your finished work ~ I just like that look)

I mounted the finished sampler to the front of an old book that I had,
that needed a new cover so I chose this brown calico...
a blue or mustard color fabric would look swell too!

...then I added the little button
and a tiny pencil attached with waxed linen cord ~
and the small grubby pencil nub can act as a bookmark as well!
Club Members will receive in this kit:
30ct Old Farmhouse Linen from Notforgotten Farm
DMC Floss to finish project
Antique White Button
(shell, bone or mother of pearl ~ each button will vary due to being antique,
... but all will be antique white buttons)
Length of Waxed Linen Cord
Small Pencil Nub
Finishing Instructions to cover book, attach sampler/button/pencil
Staining/Aging Techniques
Club Memebers will need to supply:
Book - no smaller that 6" x 8"
(can be an old one, new one, blank one or journal ~ your choice!)
Fabric of your Choice to cover your book
( look in your stash for brown calico, or blue, or mustard ~ or whichever you decide!)
Kits for this project will begin being shipped the first week of July ~

If you'd like to join in on the fun, you can click > here  for more info
or email me at
 I've begun stitching the October/November/December LSHC design already!!
I have been in an Autumnal mood, so this next design will incorporate a more 'Holiday' theme ~
{Think: Santa meets a Turkey + a Pumpkin!!}
Thanks to all for the kind words regarding my book ~ you all mean the world to me :)
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. OHHH Lori, if I wouldn't be so busy I would join the group just for the pleasure to stitch such beautifull designs you made ! That project is gorgeous!!

  2. I don't do the cross stitch, but I love looking at your designs!

  3. I love your book cover, and the pencil adds a special touch.
    You always have so many great ideas!
    Xo Louise

  4. I am so thrilled to be a part of this club! And am grateful that I have stayed caught up with the kits so I can start this one right away! Love it! And am thinking "Back to School" already - although my sons aren't ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  5. Love how you finished the school house !!! Love the hole & little button & pencil nub ! So neat & primitive !!! You are just so talented !!!!

  6. Love this!! I know it is supposed to cover an old book (and I have plenty of those), but I'm thinking about covering a small notebook to serve as a journal for my stitching projects.

  7. I don't remember much at all about school, but I love this!

  8. I love this design and your finish. What a great idea!


  9. Oh Lori, I can't wait to begin this project! One of the MANY reasons I love teaching (after 30+ years of it) is the thrill of the start of a new year, the smell of Crayolas included. We always got outfitted from the skin out in the weeks before school began, and I so remember the smell of my new leather shoes each year. Perhaps I will get this finished in time to display it on my desk come September!

  10. It's lovely Lori, can't wait to get my first kit and start stitching, so excited! Deb


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