Saturday, April 13, 2013


...that's what Iggy seemed to be shouting this morning.
the Barnyard Folks (read: our roosters & hens) were making quite the commotion.
You see, when someone lays an egg, they ALL get into celebrating with clucks, chortles
and lots of proud cockadoodle-do's.
Iggy was not impressed.

but he sure is cute when he's sleepy  >^..^<
just look at those whiskers...

sorry about the blur

and I recently rolled up some of my rugs and put them, temporarily, into a basket...
...don't they just look pretty in there?

on a roll.....

many loops, many hours spent pulling them...much fun!
Enjoy your weekend my friends ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Love the great shot of Iggy.I visited a lady who has a bunch of her rugs rolled up like that ans it is just so cool, makes you want to just bury yourself in them.Thanks for the inspiring photo's.

  2. Cute kitty...we have those celebration noises around here too :) Love the post of your porch...mine isn't fancy by any means,but it can be my favorite spot at times....blessings

  3. Iggy is such a camera nut! Cute pictures.
    What a nice way to hold your colorful and decorative.

  4. Iggy is too cute and love your rugs in a roll, they look wonderful displayed that way!

  5. hahahaha ... I know exactly what Iggy means ... ours used to be the same too :) rugs look cute in the basket too :) love mouse xxxxxx

  6. Beautiful rugs Lori!!!
    And Iggy is oh so cute!!!
    xo Louise

  7. I love your basket 'o rugs, and Iggy, as always, tugs my heart-strings!



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