Thursday, April 11, 2013

A little front porch sittin' ~

the temps have been kind as-of-late...
making me want to move outdoors to hook ~
rockin' & hookin'

please forgive the chippy paint, and the un-finished siding,
...and the big, red footprints on the porch ~
just come & visit with me a while...

nothin' too fancy here ~ just good old fashioned porch sittin' ...

my violas are so pretty today, don't you think?'s the weather in your area?

love their little faces bobbing in the spring breeze ~

rain is on the way, though...
cool, glorius rain.
we surely need it for our gardens. chocolate mint is coming back in my little urn on the porch ~
it smells heavenly...

snip a few sprigs for my sweet tea...

need to clean out the drieds and twigs still...

Hello Lazy!

Hiya Mom!

Hello Buddy!

Happy Lazy!
loves the weather....
Yay Spring!

Happy Buddy!
...loves to snooze...

*yawn*, I mean yay.
will dine alfresco this eve ~
making a nice salad with blue chees stuffed olives, and linguine in clam sauce....
just need some good bread to go with it and the whole day will be complete!
hoping your day was a beautiful one!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. What a fun time hooking on the porch...I can't wait till the weather changes here and I can sit in my screen room.
    What fun lazy fur babies...cute pictures


  2. Hi Lori,

    It's so nice to be able to needle out on my patio and doing a bit of patio gardening. Your porch looks so welcoming and love the pet pictures.

    Happy Porch sitting,

  3. So pretty on your porch. Mine is all covered in greenish yellow pollen. Can't breathe outside!! We are getting rain right now so maybe it will be better tomorrow! Alabama Pine Pollen is bad this year.. lol

  4. What paint? I see calmness and a comfy spot! I love chocolate mint. Oh, your porch looks wonderful. We're starting to get the pollen too. I am really allergic to tree pollen. Our weather was wonderful the last few days, now it is cool again.

    Thank you for sharing your porch! I have had a good time visiting!


  5. Oh so relaxing!...great photo shots!..I'll take a sweet tea please.!

  6. Love the weather your having. We have had about 4inches of cold (37degrees) . Brrrrrrr

    Love the doggies!


  7. Lori,
    Don't mind if I show up on your porch some day... I SURE could use some of that warm weather and little porch sittin' and hookin' time! It might help these old arthritic bones to limber up some too!
    I think we're skipping Spring all together here in North WI this year! If it doesn't warm soon it will be summer!
    Cathy G

  8. Aaahhh! Looks and sounds wonderful!
    I'm thinking about taking my smallest loom out on the porch to work. There is something about the sound of the wind in the trees and the chirps of the birds that makes me feel very productive but calm too.
    It is finally Spring here in the NC mountains. Very welcome after winter.
    Have a great weekend! Hope you get to spend it on your porch!

  9. Your porch looks comfortable and welcoming, Lori! You have a perfect place for creating.


  10. Looks so inviting! We had some beautiful weather here last week...let the fireplace die out and had windows open....this week the firepace has been lit and windows closed up again...rain and thunderstorms...cold...I'm hoping it doesn't stay too long and warms up again real soon!

  11. What a lovely spot you have on your porch. It looks so comfortable, and all the things you mention (chippy paint etc.) just add to its charm. I'm on the south end of Vancouver Island and it is cool and wet today, but as you say, we need it for our gardens. I've a pot of chocolate mint that is coming along nicely. Apparently it tastes great in coffee, as well as your sweet tea.

  12. Lovely pictures, your porch is so beautiful and inviting! And the pups, they look soooo happy to see the Spring! Send a little Spring up North if you can, it's snowing here in the interior of B.C. today so thank you for your lovely photographs, it gives me hope!

  13. Living vicariously through your porch-time, Lori. It looks so lovely and warm in your neck of the woods, and it's snowing here ~ brrrrrrr.......



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