Sunday, December 16, 2012

Slow Progress ~

showing my progress, albeit slow ~
I just didn't feel like creating anything yesterday.
still reeling from the unbelievable thought that 20 small children will not enjoy another happy day...
my heart is broken for their parents & siblings...I pray for healing for each one of them.
slow progress

upside down & backwards...that's how I roll.

there, that's a better view, but still in reverse...

today is a grey day, in many ways ~ but our weather is wet & chilly.
I have my sweet Hannah home here with me from college
and I feel blessed to be able to put my arms around her and tell her how much I love her...
never can say that enough.
we will bake cookies and go shopping and I will just enjoy her company and her laughter ~
oh how I wish the parents of those little ones could do the same today...
please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Blessings from the Farm


  1. I feel the very same way. I put the Christmas CD's on, start to do something festive, and my thoughts go to those children and there parents. It takes the Joy away.

  2. Hi Lori,,

    Loving your new design. Very sad time, overwhelmingly.


  3. Lori, I love your new design and hope you will offer it soon!

    Such sadness and horror. I feel so for those families.

  4. My heart just aches so much for those beautiful little souls....I can't stop thinking about the familes & how difficult this Christmas will be.....

  5. Give Hannah a hug for me. Heck, give Iggy one from Clancy too!! Tis time for hugs.

    I have Connecticut roots and was a pediatric nurse. I cannot grasp all of this. I continually feel like someone kicked me in the gut.

    HUGS to you all.

  6. It's just too hard to comprehend. I spent time with my grandson today and have him a few extra hugs. Sad, so very sad.
    God Bless the families.

  7. I too have a broken heart and have shed more than one tear for all those whose lives have been taken or destroyed by this evil, but if we think of it rationally, if there had been one person at the school with a gun besides the shooter, how many lives would have been spared and how many children would have been returned to their families? If there had been one one armed air marshal on the planes on 9/11, how many people would be alive and with their families right now? Evil will always exist in this world, and those bent on destruction will succeed one way or another, after all, the destruction of 9/11 was carried out with box cutters, not guns. We as a nation need to get serious about those with mental health issues, those so obviously disturbed that seem to continuously fall between the cracks or are ignored until they do something so heinous as one of those individuals did Friday. Until that happens, we are doomed to relive this type of carnage, but many, many crimes have been prevented or lessened because a responsible citizen had a licensed firearm with them.

  8. no truer words were said. denise

  9. I love this design, would be lovely on a sewing box!!
    I hope to work on my card holder over the holidays!


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