Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NNNOOOOOOOooooooo !!!!!!!!

what the heck happened???
My ENTIRE bloglist has dissapeared!!!
I was just reading all the new posts of my fav's and I BLINKED ~
and the whole list vanished!!!!

Is anyone else having troubles with their bloglist?

Good Grief...
now I have to try to make another...
IF you were on my list, PLEASE email me with your blog address so I can put you back!!!
Blessings from the Farm


  1. Lori,
    Sorry --wish I could help, but not very computer savvy! My address is martha_doe@yahoo.com.
    Prim Blessings,

  2. Lori, sometimes that happens (no idea why). But it "usually" reappears within a day, as mysterious as it sounds ;)

  3. i am agree with kim..it comes back after sometime..one day my whole blog disappear and i nearly had a heart attack..
    finger crossed for you x

  4. I always blame it on our computer because we have Firefox for our browser, but maybe it's actually Google's fault! It does seem to come and go for no apparent reason. ~Roberta

  5. Lori - This happened to me too. last week. Then my blog list returned. Then it went away and then returned without a few of my faves. Today it is okay. I have no idea what is happening. Just hop'in for the best. Let's wait to see what tomorrow brings.

  6. oh NO !!!!! didn't notice anything, yet !!!! I am still here......

  7. I am sorry to hear the distress in your email. I am always having turmoil with my computers , not computer savy at all just know what i need to do. hope all is well thank you

  8. That happened to my list, too! Try to wait a day or two and they should (I hope! Mine did) show back up.

  9. So frustrating! Usually it comes back within a day or two. Sometimes, it comes back if you just refresh the page. Hope that happens for you.

  10. Hi Lori, mine was also gone the other, I freaked, but then it did come back......good luck.....and what's with the new blog page?????gads, Francine.

  11. Looks like it's back!! It shows up on your page when I open it!! Very frustrating, this Blogger!!

  12. I had other blogger issues last week. Today I noticed on an ipad you get a mobile version unless you choose. Web version at the bottom. SO odd!!
    Kind of want to just go with a blog and nix my website . . . But these troubles of late make me worry!

    Hope it all is magically back soon!


  13. I noticed a change yesterday as mentioned in the previous comment. I do not like the changes! Maybe your mess happened when they made these changes...I bet your list will come back...think positive!

  14. Hi Lori,

    All I see is writing, usually you have pics too. That happened to me a few months ago though, but then magically they all reappered.


  15. Mine disappears too from time to time. I hope by now it has fixed itself for you.

  16. I wasn't but I would like to be. there may be some on my list that I got from yours if you want to look!


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