Friday, March 16, 2012

~ Redware Eggs ~

Happy Friday to you!
it is another unseasonably warm day here on the farm today ~
we have been in the 80's here in Virginia
I have been cleaning & creating,
sorting & organizing...pruning & purging.
it feels good to declutter and reuse things I already have...
such as the wools I used to make these redware eggs ~

I love how they finished up...simply stuffed & stitched.
don't they look swell in this bowl of eggs that I made from
White Sheep Farm's tutorial?

I'm so happy with them...
I think I'll make more for the Virginia Rugfest next weekend ~
and probably make some for a much-needed picturetrail update!!!

I love wool !
{{maybe I'll make these into a pattern?...hmmmm...}}

hoping you are all enjoying the nice weather...
Peter tilled up one of my garden beds where tomorrow
I'll traditionally plant our potatoes...
there's nothing like tender new potatoes covered in chive butter!
~ YUM ~
I can't wait to play in the dirt :)))
Many thanks for all of the orders for the new GARDEN Sampler...
((I knew you would like it!!!))
and yes, the original on Early Work Mercantile has sold
(my heartfelt thanks to Mary xoxo)
but thank you so much for your email inquiries!!!
The GARDEN Sampler
pattern will be shipped to my distributors on Monday,
so they should be in your favorite needlework shop soon ~

blessings from the farm,


  1. I love your blog! So enjoyed all your photos and your lovely work.


  2. Your eggs are so simply beautiful!!!

  3. LOVE <3 !!!
    Your eggs are just perfect! And that basket - oh my goodness gracious!
    Blessings, Patti


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