Thursday, March 15, 2012

Boy Stuff...

Look what peter found!!!

a beautifully crafted & preserved quartz arrowhead!!
(you can see the foundation of the back of the house in the photo above)

the workmanship is exquisite and it is in near perfect condition...'s facets shine in the sun
& I can only hold it and imagine the skill it took to make it...
was it used? old is it? ...why was it so close to the house?

usually we will find remnants of these in the fields...
...but never one as perfect as this or so close to home.

it is almost perfectly symmetrical, and the chip on the tip is a clue as to it being used...
perhaps a deer kill to feed a small family?

was the arrowhead used by a seasoned hunter
...or a boy-child being taught by his elders to hunt?

the indigenous Native Americans in this area are Monocan ~

we'll never know the answers,
but we're blessed to have it find us...

I'm happy it is seeing the sunlight again.
blessings from the farm,


  1. My grandma owned a farm in southwest MO and we would find arrowheads when we were kids. Seeing yours brings back fond memories...

  2. That is awesome!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Awesome treasure Lori. We used to find obsidian ones in the hills around Bear Lake, Id. I love the history of the Indians. It sure makes you wonder who sat and carved it, what did they look like, how old is it, and what kind of animal were they feeding their family with it. Thanks for sharing. -Steph-

  4. So Cool to find an arrow head !!! My son used to grow tobacco in CT & every year during planting season he would search for those. So Neat !!!!

  5. That is so cool! My little boy would be in hog heaven.

  6. Goodness the stories this arrowhead could need to do some research on your property.


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