Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pictures of Virginia Rug Fest ~

The Show yesterday was AWESOME!!!!
my thanks to everyone that came out in the rainy weather to see us all ~
...wasn't it a great time? and
ALL. THAT. WOOL!!!!!!!
speaking of wool...
I have thee pleasure to announce that I will now be carrying
Rebecca Erb's
wonderful wools here in the shop!
so when you NEED that special touch to your rug or applique piece ~
come on out & see the awesome selection to choose from...
~ I have yards & YARDS of her gorgeous, as-is wools in every color of the rainbow
(I'll be adding pictures of them soon on my sidebar)
so, onto the pictures of the show!!!!
Here I am,
Multi-tasking, as usual...
...talking on the phone & punching ~
(my thanks to Mr. Jack Newman for his photography skills)

here are the HOOKERS!!...

...wall-to-wall elbows flapping, hooks clacking...
scissors snipping & wool-dust-flying!

a great turnout despite the rain...

my little booth was set up in the same room as the rug show...
so I was a happy girl with all of the beautiful rugs around me.

this is my booth, on friday as we were setting up...

I liked having the natural light with the windows behind me...

...just setting up...

and onto the rugs...
each & every one was a work of art...
equally beautiful in their colors & execution...

...the verse on this rug reads:
"Patience is a virtue, posess it if you can,
seldom found in woman, never found in man"
and of course,
my thanks to Miss Joan for helping me friday & saturday,
driving along with me for a total of almost 10 hrs (back and forth),
and putting up with me...thank you my sweet Friend!
I am spening the day in my sweatpants, house cleaning and doing chores...
then onto pulling some loops!
OH! almost forgot...I'll be listing my new needlepunch patterns and the Honeybee Hooked Chairpad paper pattern in my Etsy shop in just a little while...
Have a relaxing Sunday !!!
blessings from the farm,


  1. Love the rugs! From the pics your booth looked great:) You might have seen my friend Karen yesterday....she owns material girl quilt shop in va

  2. Yes I did!!! Karen was flying around the vendor's booth in a wool frenzy! :))
    ~ Lori

  3. Great seeing you & Joan at the rainy Rugfest! I am totally inspired by all my piles of wonderful wool!!

  4. Looks like a fabulous time! I was imagining myself in that glorious room. In my dreams I was receiving a lesson in rug hooking!!! Glad you had such a great time!

  5. What a fun show! Wish I were there! I recognize Spot the Horse!!! How FUN!!!!!! Love ya! Kathy

  6. WOW!!! I would have loved to been there.Do you see online? denise

  7. Love the pictures! Wish I could have been there too! Kathy

  8. Love the pictures! Wish I could have been there too! Kathy

  9. Thanks for the rug show!
    Hugs :)

  10. I have never rug hooked, but I want to try it at sometime this year!

  11. Looks like a fun time! I'm going to my first hook-in in a few weeks.

  12. Ooh what fun !!
    Lori you need to teach a rug hooking class ..I soo want to learn more

  13. Looked Great Lori! I'm sure you did well :). Loved the rug show. I spotted the spot horse too as a cross stitch pattern. Super! The lion has always been a favorite of mine as well.

  14. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Your booth looked wonderful. Wish I lived closer.


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