Thursday, March 22, 2012

Misty Mountain Morning ~

Yesterday morning found me...
traipsing around my humble farm ~
in my boots and nightgown, camera in hand.
it was such a hauntingly-beautiful & foggy morning that I had to share these with you :

Mr. Bluebird on our fence...

my garden gate...

view's from the shop's garden ~

our woods were filled with what I call 'parachute spider webs'...
I don't know their correct names,
but these industrious little spinners create wondrous works of art overnight,
and on foggy mornings such as this, catch the dew ~

...I try to find the beauty in things, the greys, browns & mossy greens
of my surroundings have inspired me!

...even though it was wet & misty,
it was a beautiful morning!!!
blessings from the farm,


  1. Lori, it has been foggy here too and love the calmn beauty it provides in my wooded property. Thanks for sharing your wonderous nature with us.


  2. Wonderful photos...I love a day that's grey and misty.

  3. Gorgeous captures ~ love the webs hanging~Awe the beauty of nature~

  4. Beautiful pics and a lovely way to start the day!Hugs,Jen

  5. It's foggy here too. My children have had fog delays everyday this week. I'd never even knew there was such a thing as a fog delay until moving here.

    Your photos are literally breathtaking. So haunting and beautiful. What wonderful sights to start your day.

  6. Love your pics! I love a gray morning like that -- misty and overcast -- it has a beauty all it's own...... But it does play havoc with this bad hair I was blessed with... frizz, wings and curls... not pretty at all!

    Thanks for sharing your morning with us. Your garden is wonderful!!

  7. Beautiful pictures! As I was driving to work yesterday there were hundreds of those spider webs along the roadside and in the woods, they were beautiful!

  8. Beautiful pics Lori!!!
    My favorite is the bluebird ~ but the webs are interesting!!!
    What no mystical pics of you running around the farm in your pjs???
    Prim Blessings

  9. So very lovely...thank you for taking me around the farm....

  10. We have these in the country here. They twinkle in the first rays of the sun on my way to work. They are so enchanting.


  11. just beautiful favorite time of day.

  12. Lori thanks so much for sharing your beautiful peaceful morning walk ! Enjoy your day ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  13. We usually have sunshiny mornings, but when we do have foggy ones I Love to be out in it!1 Your pictures are so lovely and peaceful to look at!

  14. Hi Lori,
    Early morning is the best part of the day ... the stillness, the smells, the quiet. Nothing better in my book ...
    Beautiful photos of the farm. I love the last one ... looks almost like Queen Anns Lace.
    Have a great weekend ...
    BTW, isn't boots and a nighty proper garb for a farmgirl? It is on my farm ...

  15. I always enjoy your peaceful photos you post of your property and farm. Soothing I tell ya! I am a morning person also...I love it~~ Thanks again for making me feel like I'm walking right there with you!

    Always, Faye

  16. How beautiful!...thanks for taking us on this morning walk with you...

  17. Morning Lori,thanks for sharing pictures of the farm,so beautiful. Blessings, Francine

  18. I love your blog and patterns! I just recently started punchneedle:) I'm loving it! If you get the time, I would love for you to check out my blog!

  19. It's so nice to see the beauties of Notforgotten Farm! Spring is truly busting out all over!!!

  20. Beautiful pictures Lori. I am glad I am not the only one who throw on her boots and trapeses around the yard with pj's on and a camera around her neck. Those webs are unbelieveable. So pretty. -Steph-

  21. Boots and nightgown....isn't it great that living on a farm/in the country we can do that?! lol
    Enjoyed your pics! Love the spider webs!

  22. Just found your blog and will definitely be back for more! Your parachute webs are made by "bowl and doily" spiders.


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