Monday, December 24, 2018

~ Victorian Christmas Cards ~

I have always had a fascination for antique postcards ~
any holiday...but the Christmas ones are quite strange indeed.

From their morbidity, to the just plain strange!

here are a few that have made me say...

I mean, 
creepy walking root-vegetable men?

or how about a kidnapping santa?

this one cracks me up - just look at their little legs!

a little too much eggnog perhaps?

and doesn't a cat-fight outside a tenement window just scream Happy Christmastide?

or would you prefer a gang of torch-carrying birds to lighten your way?

I especially adore the Krampus character, being that I love Halloween so very much ~
 he scared the H E double-hockey-sticks outta me as a child though!

this one stumps me:

ever heard of the Yule Goat?

or perhaps sled-riding, well dressed chickens?

I do prefer the plain old, 
creepy guy that we have all come to love the best though

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


  1. These are wonderful!!
    Blessed Yule to Y'All!

  2. I've never seen most of these before - I think most people post the pretty ones. I wonder if the root vegetable ones are due to those might have been the only vegetables, or at least most available, left to carry you through the rest of the winter?

  3. How fun!!! I sent a Victorian Cmas card out this year. Timeless beauties. Happy Christmas to all

  4. What a riot. Merry Christmas to you, Peter and Hannah.

  5. Those are some wild Christmas postcards!!!
    Merry Christmas to you, Peter and Hannah.

  6. I Love all of these old cards! I have many of these that I post every season on my facebook page! They all come from my family from long ago. Merry Christmas to you!

  7. What a interesting variety Lori love looking at them Thanks for sharing..Merry Christmas to you & family at Notforgotten Farm🎄

  8. A great visit to Christmas Past! Have a wonderful day!
    Robyn & Annie xox

  9. These are wonderful, thanks for sharing. Have a Merry Christmas.

  10. Fun, Wonderful, Impish, & Delightful Lori... a merriment of olden Christmas wishes that harken back to earlier & simpler tymes! Thanks for sharing! Wishing you, Peter & Hannah (and all your fur/feathered family-kids) a warm, cozy Christmas Day! Many Blessings in the New good health, tons of joy & never-ending creative bliss! Always, your friend up Nawth ~ Diane ♥

  11. Mary Margaret CairnsDecember 26, 2018 at 1:24 PM

    Boy, I have never had the pleasure of viewing such an unusual variety of Christmas cards! Makes you think of what the personalities were of the illustrators. As they say, there is something for everyone. Have a blessed New Year full of love and prosperity for all.

  12. These made me giggle! They are truly unique. I think we should reintroduce the Christmas frog.

  13. thanks for sharing this story I have learned new think today this was an amazing tip for me.

  14. wow what scary and sometimes depressing images from Christmas past. I think I like our modern day ones better. Happy New year to you and yours with warm and "wooley-thoughts" Mel

  15. Nice post cards... You have to look outside the box on the one that stumps you...They are basically saying that "the times are devilishly hard" our case we would say "Merry Christmas...Im broke so all you are getting is this postcard"!!! LOL People of the time were a little more eloquently clever!!!


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