Tuesday, February 20, 2018

~ What have we done ??? ~

it looks like something is going on at the farm shop? 
there are sawhorses in the garden!

yes, the sign says closed...

and Pepper says:
"Mom, don't even go in there...."

we are in the process of a total renovation!!!
 {whatcha doin' up there Pete?}

the men folk are sheet-rocking the storage area above our office...

with the steadfast help of our buddy Chris,
{our right & left hands here on the farm!}

this is what Pepper doesn't want you to see:
a massive pile of stuff in the center of our shop ~
just waiting for new wall paint, floor paint, trim paint and new shelving and lighting too!

it is already so much brighter with our beams painted white!

and I have even chosen a new color for the front door...
{every good witch has a purple front door you know}
ok, more of a reserved Plum color, but plum is in the purple catagory ;)

there will be wrap-around shelving along the bottom half of the walls, 
~ and new pegboard will be above the shelves to the top of the beams..

the walls will be a brighter white, 
while the floors, trim and pegboard will be a warm grey enamel ~

this view below is how I feel with the shop in this condition:
so off kilter for me!!

why, there is even run-off from inside, 
to the front porch!

"I told you not to go in."

 So, while we are in the midst of remodeling, we will be of course
and I will keep you updated on the progress of the remodel!

Our new look will be brighter, roomier, and more organized for the needleworker to shop ~
think: vintage farmhouse with a nod to modern industrial ;)

...we will also be adding more stitching space {tables and chairs} for Stitching Saturdays /Classes
 and a NEW coffee bar too!!
woot woot!

while the men folk are working in there,
I'm working on models for new things... always busy & productive ya know!

have a most-beautiful Tuesday my sweet friends!

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


  1. Kudos to your menfolk, lots of hard work...but it will be oh so wonderful! ~L

  2. WOW! The beams really pop 😍 I Love It!

  3. HOLY DANCIN' DONKEYS!!! This looks wonderful and I can't wait to see the finished shop!

  4. Fabulous! What a gorgeous space, love those whitewashed beams and ceiling. Color choices sound perfect, but of course, an artist chose them.

  5. Oh my goodness! The beams painted white are awesome. I see rugs hanging from them. :-) Wow. I look forward to seeing it all brightened. Lovely. I bet all the colors are gonna pop with the white.

  6. Oh, I meant to include...the purple front door. Excellent choice.

  7. By the time I get to visit Notforgotten Farm, all will be freshly updated and ready!! Remodeling is messy and challenging, but oh-so-worth-it in the end. Yay for the purple door!!! <I;)

  8. A BIG project for sure but it will be all fresh and new. Spring is a great time for fresh inspiration.

  9. I can't wait to see the final reveal!! I LOVE everything you have showed us so far......Lisa

  10. That's an ambitious remodel!!! I hope it goes smoothly :)

  11. That's some big time renovation for sure. Pepper is a beautiful hound ans definitely part of the family!

  12. Oh,how I wish I lived near you..it will be beautiful..excited to see it finished..

  13. It looks wonderful and I like the cleaner, brighter look and mixing industrial is fun to do.


  14. This is going to be a most excellent shop! The stuff on the porch makes me want to come and yard sale.......I see tons I'd like to have! Eager to get down there now.....

  15. Hi Lori,
    I am always amazed by the talent of both of you and am so happy that you are getting a whole new look to your sweet shop!! How I wish I could come there and visit in person when you get it all done!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us and best wishes for a quick and safe remodel!!
    I'm sure you are just bursting with excitement and anticipation!!
    Enjoy your week, Lori!
    Heart Hugs~

  16. Wow !!! To move everything & do all that work ....was a lot & had to be exhausting !!! It looks really nice & will be fun to re-arrange & decorate !!! A nice fresh start ! It will be fun to see the New look !!!


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