Wednesday, June 28, 2017

~ It's a Sign.....

it's OUR new sign!

at the front of the driveway, 
right next to the road for all to see...

we finally have begun to spruce up the front entrance 
to our beloved farm 
with new fencing and signage ~

Peter & Chris have been working on this sign for weeks.
~ with Peter milling all of our home-grown cedar, poplar & oak, 
then cutting into the shape of a thread spool and carving those AWESOME NEEDLES!
...then handing it over to Chris to paint.
the red/brown, black & gold paint really makes it look historical :)

it look fabulous next to the new red cedar split rail fencing....
really make a huge difference :)

we have more to do yet, 
like planting boxwoods and bulbs, 
and adding some low rock walls and such....
~ plus some more solar lighting to accent the area.

it is a massive sign!
 here's Peter standing next to it...
sorry the photo is dark, but you can see that it's a big-un!

 Thanks to my sweet Hubby 
AND to our right hand man Chris 
... for all the time spent and hard work done...
it surely paid off!

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


  1. Oh my gosh, that is absolutely gorgeous! Your hubby has as much talent as you do. You make a good pair! Very artistic. I can't think of anything more appropriate. Well done!


  2. WOW!! That is SOOO impressive, but then you, Peter, and Chris are impressive, too.Looking forward to seeing it in person!

  3. Excellent...such a welcoming and traditional looking work of art. I wanna see it in person!!!

  4. What a wonderful sing!!! Congrats!!!!

  5. Wonderful sign. I can't wait to see it in person someday.

  6. Lori, Peter, Chris---I just want you to know that, if I were toodling down the road and suddenly saw your sign and fence and everything to come, I would slam on my brakes, back up, and head straight to where I belong!! Fantastic job...a siren's sign for us stitchers!!!!!!

  7. Wow! What a great sign! Now..... If you could just move it, your farmhouse, all of you and the animals right next door to me, it would truly be perfection!'s wonderful!!

  8. Oh to be driving down that road and see it in person. You would hear me squeal with delight all the way down at the farmhouse. Great job guys!!!

  9. Looks Great! Peter and Chris did a great job!

  10. Now we'll know exactly where you are! Looks great - but that's no surprise. 😎

  11. What a great sign, I think it's perfect!

  12. Wow, what a classy piece of farmland and needlework shop you have!

  13. Omg!!!! It's perfect! AND, it's RED!!!!

  14. Gorgeous!! They did a great job!! It sure will be easy to see!! Great design, Lori!

  15. Love the sign... the lads did a great job.
    Lori have you ever thought of doing an online class for a specific project? For those of us so far away it might be fun. Like that heart shaped token you made a while back that I'm obsessed with! Ha!

  16. Awesome Sign , looks Great !!!!

  17. That is wonderful! Love it! How exciting!

  18. A slice of heaven right there. Just stunning!! When do you ever see something this special toodling down the road?! I, too, would slam on my brakes and squeal all the way down the driveway.

  19. What a beautiful sign! I'd love to be driving along and spot it. I'd stop in a minute. Hugs,

  20. Just so perfect, turned out beautiful

  21. really nice lori, hope you all are bursting with well deserved pride on this project ~ congrats!

  22. Absolutely Perfect -- the design, the setting and the indicator of the wonderful creativity awaiting in the shop. The perfect complement!

  23. Absolutely Beautiful and Perfect

  24. That's one gorgeous sign! I can picture people braking to stop and see what would be in your awesome store.


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