Thursday, May 25, 2017

~ Between the Raindrops ~

is that the sun?
no, wait ~ it's gone again.

no that the sun? 

i love the rain {as we all know} but it's been here a little too long now.
~ saturated soil {ok, red clay} 
... and soggy everything.

come on sunshine, stay for a while!

I've been punching up the next model for our 

{and yes I have fallen behind, apologies to my members}

This sweet strawberry below will become a needle-keep ~
and I am waiting on threads to come in.
Hoping to have them soon and get these shipped out for you!

 *please ignore my filthy garden clogs*
*please admire my beautiful chocolate mint!*

This time, 
I've used only DMC 6 strand cotton floss for the model.

I have had a few PPNC members say 
that they are having difficulties punching with the Valdani pearl cotton..
that it wants to 'splice' when they punch with it. 
{I have never had a problem with it}
anyhoo, this current kit will contain all DMC floss to finish the project, 
which will measure approx. 3-3/4" x 5" when completed by you.

I will show you the 'finished-finish' soon, 
as I have to get the backing fabric stitched on today.

and while my punch needle was handy 
and I had excess weavers cloth from said project above,
I figured I'd punch a little bee.
or maybe it's a big bee.
or perhaps it's a fly that thinks itself a bee?
 not sure, but it's cute.

all of the rain has turned everything here a lush green.
except for that damn red clay...

we have a family of chickadees living in this little birdhouse near the patio ~
watching them flit in & out makes me happy. 

All kinds of 'volunteer' plants are growing....
even though they are considered weeds, 
they are valuable to our planet.

did you know you could make a nice salad with dandelion leaves?
oh and a soothing medicinal tea too.
used for centuries to treat fever & upset stomach
and to stimulate appetite...
not that i need any help with that.

Peter has divided his banana plants, 
and they are sprouting again...
especially in the rain & our own little tropical paradise.
this time we have 5 or 6 of them coming back to life 
after being dormant all winter in the basement.

my cinnamon basil and parsely have perked up a bit this morning...
I love basil!

love the black variety of basil too...a little stronger taste to it.

flat Italian parsley next to  a small iron birdbath....
my garden toads love to sit in it at night and take sips.

 Hoping the sun will continue to shine for the rest of the week...
grass needs mowed
laundry needs hung
farmhouse needs aired out from being closed up for days
and I need some vitamin D ~ hoping for a little patio-stitching!

Post office run today, then picking up miss Joan and taking her to Joann's store.
those coupons are burning a hole in her pocket!

Many thanks for the sympathy cards that have been sent to us for Joan.
Today marks the 2nd week since her Arthur has been gone.

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


  1. No wonder your gardens grow lovely! You take care of your world, and the precious people in it. I hope you and Joan enjoy your outing...and stitching out, as well!

  2. Just thinking of Miss Joan hoping her heart was mending a bit, you're a good friend in deed ....

    Blessings to her and you


  3. Happy to hear you and Miss Joan are going out. I'm sure it will do her heart good.

  4. Lori,,, love the strawberry,,,, looks like fun! Cant wait,, I have never had a problem either with the threads,,,, like them all,,,,
    Love pics of ur gardens!
    We have had a very wet spring, too,,, very green,,,,
    Thinking of joan,,,

  5. Oh, forgot to say, love that sweet bee , too,,,, and ur strawberry,,,,, fun,,,

  6. Love the Strawberry !!! My only problem with the Valdani thread is finding the two ends !!! I love using it , it comes in so many pretty colors . Never heard of Cinnamon Basil ! Hope you & Joan have a fun day together....she really needs some sun shine !!!


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