Sunday, May 24, 2015

Open House & Market photos ~

oh we had fun yesterday!
absolutely perfect weather for our open house & market…..

….and our many thanks to all who came out & visited with us ~

Early on, the cars started lining up before we opened the gate….

one by one our friends came in to shop, chat & snack ~

our sweet friend Robin Muddiman was here to lend a hand:

and Felicia's {miss flea} daughter, Bella assisted folks out in the garden…

our inviting, shady porch was the perfect resting spot
 in between garden & indoor shopping ~

this was our first-ever outdoor market, and I think we agree that it won't be our last one!
Peter & I are discussing perhaps bringing in vendors for next year!!!
{similar to our Gathering event each September}

so much to look at, choose from and take home!
great bargains and good-deals were made between friends….

I'm so happy our garden & the weather was so pretty for our friends!

inside the shop, we decorated in sweet humble farmhouse tradition…
lots of rust & chippy paint ~ 
new 'old' needful things….

the suitcase you see below was 'found' on our excursion to Penn. last week, 
and yesterday it held a few of my 'retired' models that were for sale. 
{mostly were from projects that were in past magazine issues, and previous LSHC models too}

a corner of the shop that keeps the now-quite wood stove…

pattern room with fabric & punch needle models ~

Miss Joan & Miss Flea always happy to help you ~
{love you two muchly}

Bella chose the lucky winner for our little raffle-basket drawing ~

and the winner is:
~ Kathy Tregembo ~

congratulations my friend!
{Kathy, please email me at with your shipping address}

all in all a wonderful day ~
my thanks to my beloved hubby for your never-ending help & support xoxoxox
Joan, Flea, Robin & Bella for being an integral part of the event ~
and to you ,
who came out for a visit…

see you again soon!

Have a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend ~
Stay Safe & Remember those who have served/are serving for our Freedom!!!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. Looks like the perfect day Lori! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! xoxo ~ronda

  2. Everything looked wonderful! I'm excited about my "treasures" and I always get inspired by a trip to my favorite magical place! Loved seeing my donkey friends and sharing my apple treats with some of your visitors. Thanks to you, Peter, Joan and Felicia for making it such a lovely event!!

  3. Enjoyed all the pictures, Lori. I wish I didn't live so far away! I would have filled my car with lots of your wonderful treasures! One day I will make a trip to Notforgotten Farm! xxoo Kris

  4. So glad you had a great day
    ..Janet. A fan from Ontario , Canada


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