Friday, April 03, 2015

Goode Friday ~

….here is my progress being made
 on the first of a series of 4 new punch needle designs ~

I'm calling the series
"Farm Chores"
and within this series there will be 4 separate designs:
"Laundry Day"
"Keeping the Bees"
"Shelling Peas"
"Dipping the Candles"

this one below is
"Laundry Day"

working in my favorite palette of threads from
Valdani, DMC & Weeks Dye Works…

see my make-do farmwife thread ball/string holder?
it's made from a small glass jelly jar 
...that Peter punched a hole in for me to use while I punch :)

I like to work at the small table in the back of our keeping room ~
the natural light is great from two windows. I get to visit with Peaches, our parrot, and Barbara, our parakeet ~
they talk to me while I work :)

a happy little spot to while-away the hours
doing what I love…
any kind of needlework! ha!!

the back of my work looks almost like braiding, doesn't it?
this house was punched entirely with Valdani #8 pearl cottons…

the work below, was punched with Weeks Dye Works, Valdani & DMC…
I love how all the different threads look together as friendly neighbors :)

will finish this one and begin the next asap ~
excited to show you all 4 finished designs!

...have a blessed Easter Weekend my friends!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. Yours was the first blog I read this morning....and it is always a great way to begin the day....your work area is so inviting, I can see why you would enjoy spending time there. Your first in your new series is beautiful! I will be on the lookout for these patterns for sure...Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter!

  2. Exciting! .. your space is such a dream Lori. Love your little make-do thread keep...I've a few around here as well! Have a glorious day my friend! blessings,~ronda

  3. Still loving that beautiful rug in your keeping room! Looking forward to seeing all four completed projects.

  4. I love the series already- she can do my chores! ;-)

  5. What a wonderful new series. Everyone is going to love it!!!

  6. Looking forward to this design finished and how Kris will take her spin on it for a hooked pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing it in final stages.



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