Monday, March 16, 2015

Our Trip to TERRAIN in Westport, CT ~

The absolute highlight of my short-lived trip up north 
{besides seeing family of course}

was visiting a magical garden shop called
~ T E R R A I N ~
in Westport, CT

I'd heard about this shop from my sister Louisea, 
and she said it was beautiful…
but to me
it's more like beauty-full ~

it is huge, it is open & airy
it is filled with wondrous things that are garden/nature inspired

...and best of all
it gives one a sense of place in the world.

we are all but small organisms in the great cosmos too, 
but we seem to forget that…

being closer to nature, gardening and even just decorating my old farmhouse
with fresh live plants, beautiful wood and antiques
helps keep me connected somehow…

here are a few snaps for you
the quality of the photos is lacking, as I took them from my iPhone
{and was shaking with excitement just to be there}

{can you see me?}

Hannah & Louisea shopping happily

oh! hello!!

the humongous tree-trunk tables blew me away ~
...I need one for my dining room now!

I shopped, sniffed the plants, rubbed all of the wood surfaces
absorbed the good energies 
and soaked my brain while there ~ I want to go back again NOW!

This standing concrete hare wanted to come live with us
so I begrudgingly obliged…
{yeah right ~ he sure twisted my arm to make me take him home!}

he will not go into the gardens,
he was introduced to the other rabbits in my warren 
and will live out his days here in the farmhouse ~

If you have a moment, please visit the link to
that I've pasted at the top of this post ~
once there, you'll find their blog too…

I think you'll love it!

for the wonderful response to our release last night of our new
Spring Goods
in our Etsy shop

we're so happy that you love everything!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. Hi Lori
    What a great post - we have a similar green house near us. Not as big but it has unique things in it too.
    If I ever get on a trip again east I will certainly visit this place.

  2. I love that shop, so I spiring. Rabbits too, I have at least 20 in the garden and many in the home. Thanks for the pics, almost feels like I am there...

  3. Terrain is a FABULOUS shop, isn't it? We have one here in Eastern PA (the Chadds Ford area). Way too easy to go over budget in the shop, but love the uniqueness of everything they have.

  4. What a fun shop! So much eye candy! and what a handsome fellow you brought home with you! My maiden name is a German derivation of the word "hare" or rabbit, so I have a special affinity for those furry little creatures! Thanks for sharing!

  5. what a wondrous place to visit!
    Love your new 'stuff'--

  6. I love Terrain! Luckily, for those of us too far from their shops, they have a wonderful website that makes ordering easy. It would be much more fun to take it all in in person...thanks for taking us along. That table is oh so wonderful!!!

  7. simply enchanting... i'm on my way to a virtual visit to terrain ~ thank you, lori, for all you share!



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