Sunday, February 08, 2015

Sunday Musings ~

~ Greetings Friends & Folk ~

oh what a beautiful morning!
….oh what a beautiful day!!
{sang at the top of my lungs!} is 62 balmy degrees here at the farm at the moment 

the laundry is *snapping* on the clothesline, 
...the windows are 
and I am in heaven :)
{sorry friends and family in CT ~ hope it is melting for you!}

Yesterday was our 
Winters Tea & Wool Applique class
here in the farm shop ~
our wonderful, knowledgeable teacher Nancy led us in a pleasant class on organic herbal tea making ~
we tasted her 'special' blends for healing, up-lifting & comforting teas…
~ each one more unique than the last.
Nancy also brought along one of her fresh-baked 
Rose Geranium Cakes 
to go along with the tea.
Oh So Good!

after the tea class,
I taught a small wool appliqué class…
here are our friends working in deep concentration on that blanket stitch:

H E L L O 
Pat, Mary, Katie, Ginny, Robin & Nancy!

lots of giggles, a couple of snorts ~ {on my part}
but plenty of friendship to go around ~
I just love you all….

While us 'girls' were busy inside,
Peter & Minew were out in the herb garden weeding the up-coming mint crop.
{"Mimi" likes to lend a paw…}

such a pretty Momma-kitty…
we love you too Mimi.

and look what's popping up already!

oh beautiful little flowers, do hurry ~ is a far-away shot of our humble farmhouse ~
~ we're so blessed ~

remember this??

Dove Basket Pocket
humble embroidery pattern
is NOW available in my Etsy shop
it is being offered as my first EVER Downloadable PDF file pattern for you!
{i know! whaaaaat?!!}

this marks the first of MANY new 'humble embroidery' designs coming your way ~
and I couldn't be more excited to share them with you!

visit my Etsy shop or purchase yours!

oh I am hoping that whatever your days holds in store for you,
...that you make it a happy one full of inner-sunshine!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. 62 degrees & mint & daffodils popping up !!!! You Lucky Girl !!! Here in New England we are expecting even more snow & freezing cold.....I am even more jealous !!!!

  2. It was nice meeting all of you clever!
    Already Spring flowers:-)
    We snowing and the wind is blowing:-)

  3. Enjoy your amazing day my friend!


  4. love the farm house...and all your gatherings...wish there was one close to my house for me to enjoy....i have to tell you this....its too funny not to share...i have been no i decided to see it you had a utube on it...i was doing it all didnt know you had to thread through that little eye on the needle....i'm hiding i was using only three would always tangle up on me.....i think this is going to be much easier now...lmbo....thanks lori...for the lesson...your friend...linda

  5. Sorry I had to miss the class and all of the fun.

  6. Would love to have been there! :-)

  7. I'm anxious to see some daffodil shoots too! It will be awhile here though....on the meantime a pot of forced differs is the best I can do!
    Hugs Marg.

  8. o how i wish i were near you so i could attend one of your gatherings there is nothing near here may be i will have to start something by me. nancy t in not to bad today wi


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