Sunday, February 01, 2015

Just Playin'….

Happy February & Happy Superbowl Sunday
 ~ my friends & folk! ~

I love this month ~
the month of
L O V E 
and it's also my birth-month!

I love it's colors, cold and cozy-ness.
i love that when it's February,
that means Spring is not far off….

my needle & thread have been relaying my dreams of Spring in my handwork…
just playing on some scrap weavers cloth
with some neutral Guterman threads ~

I've subconsciously created a kind of 'spirit-cloth'
onto which my thoughts are stitched ~

I have much more to do on this, but here is my start….

next I'll add this little basket to the bottom of the last cartouche.
then stitch all kinds of wondrous ferns, vines, berries & flowers ~
perhaps a few feathered friends too ~
{my inspiration for this stitch-ling came from Christine Kelly

once the basket and stitching is finished,
I'll then bind this like a quilt using the cotton fabrics below ~
the 'green' one is actually a pale robins' egg blue…

oh! I think I'll stitch in a few nests & robins' eggs
tangled amongst the vines!

I love birds ~ of all shapes sizes and colors ~
I have collected feathers since I was little…
and we share our little farmhouse with
Peaches, our Sun Conure 
{Peach is a boy…don't ask}
Barbara, our little blue/white budgie/parakeet 
{Barbara is also a boy…again, don't ask}

we enjoy their daily chattering, chortling and mischief-making…. is what Mr. Peach does at night 
after we've covered him for the evening ~

he's chewed a big hole through the sheet which covers him, 
so he can keep an 'eye' on us while we enjoy our TV shows…
he's such a character.
at just 2 yrs old, Peach has strengthened his vocabulary to include:
"'night night'" when he wants to retire for the evening ~
"want some?" when we are eating, usually gets crazy for yogurt or a buttered raisin bagel ~
"hello" when the phone rings or if you walk by him without acknowledging him ~
"morning" when his cover is lifted from his cage.

Peach also 'talks' to himself, in a maniacal animated voice, 
~ which is then followed by an even more insane laughter… he has just told him self the most entertaining joke.

we should all be so happy!!

Have a beautiful & peaceful Sunday ~

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. You are sooooo talented. Amazing what you can do with a needle and thread. And Guiterman's is just regular thread correct? You sure make it seem more special.

    Go Pats!

  2. I love what you are doing there, it is already a beauty! Can hardly wait to see the finished piece, it will be a real treasure.

  3. hi there girlfriend.....well you did got me inspired to start working on my wool project.....thanks for the push....i love this...i love the sayings in each...and i am so excited to see what you do with it...keep warm....i will try to send you some sunshine as soon as we get some....we had two good days...and now tomorrow its a shopping day...rain expected...

  4. I just LoVe the piece you are working in Lori. I love that your bird peeks out to keep an eye on you:) and speaks too, as you have spoke to him. Can't wait to see the finish you put on the stitchery! So much talent. I doubt you never have something to do....some piece you are working up in your mind, right? Lucky for us!
    Have a great week. Hugs Marg.

  5. As you know, I love it all. Going to be a special piece.
    Blessings, Sandra

  6. How about our New England!!

    Love the stitching...can't wait to see it finished.

    What a cute parot...Peaches sounds like quite a character!

    Thinking of Spring,

  7. Your stitching's are lovely Lori. Your days look so peaceful.


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