Monday, January 19, 2015

Re-visiting ~

The month of January ~
finds me with a brain-ful of fresh, new ideas…

I come back time & again to my beloved sketchbooks ~
my pens, inks & paints are ready for something new from my hands.

there's something about the slanted light 
...that comes in my studio's windows early in the morning:

it allows me to see things in a more shadowed form ~ subtle and gentle…
reminding me to slow my pace and enjoy the creative process.

one lone paintbrush, 3 good nibbed ink pens…

a small cache of watercolor cakes
& some hand parched paper….

…are all I need to make me happy today ~

...working on a few new folk art pieces to be available in my Zazzle shop soon
{link on sidebar}
and to be added as new fabric & wrapping paper designs in my Spoonflower shop
{ link on sidebar as well}

will share finishes here soon :)

I'm hoping that wherever this sunny monday morning finds you, are enjoying what your hands & heart love best.

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. Can't wait to see what you come up with using those pens and paint brush! It's always a most pleasant surprise!! Wish it was sunny here in's cold, damp, and very dreary...

  2. Would LOVE to have you produce some more 'notecards' with your wonderful primitive drawings.
    MJ Hunt

  3. Mmmmmm, notecards you say.. Sounds lovely! You know with so much texting and emailing...I still love to get a note in the mail, and enjoy sending one out too. I hope we don't lose this wonderful penmanship of letters.
    Hugs. Marg:) have a great week!

  4. Lori, would you please share what the watercolor cakes are? Where do you buy them? I am so tired of little tubes..... Thank you so much, Dee

  5. Don't you just love writing with real fountain pens? I wish we still used them regularly rather than ball point - everything looks better with ink and nib.

  6. I really like these ink pens and brushes!

  7. There must be two of you to accomplish so much!!

  8. There must be two of you to accomplish so much!!

  9. Reply to Dee ~ I purchased my little watercolor cakes at a shop here VA ~ but I know that Michaels, Hobby Lobby & AC Moore carry them too…my set is a 'travelers' set, meant to take with you for impromptu painting sessions! I love how small they are, come with a brush and cover….
    ~ L


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