Tuesday, January 13, 2015


"Oh Hey…
...hey Mom ~"

{ drat….here she comes again with that black box that she holds up to her face…
I do not like the way it flashes and whirs…}

"…whatcha up to mom?
me? oh just hanging out…."

{maybe if I'm really nice to her she'll get out of my face with that thing…or not.}

"…just taking a little bath & cat-nap before my shows come on…"

{actually, I'm sharpening up one of my claws just. for. you. mom}

"aw…I know I'm handsome, thanks mom"

{handsome? I am da-bomb-diggety…and we all know it.}

"no, don't think I want to be brushed right now…*yawn* maybe later"

{come near me with that brush & I'll use it to….
um...if I squint my eyes, maybe she'll think I'm falling asleep and leave me alone}

 "nor do I want to play right now mom."

{ok lady ~ your getting on my nerves with that thing….but you could fetch me a treat since you're up}

"STOP mom. ….do I look like I'm in the mood?"

{the mood to pounce, maybe…}

"final warning."

{maybe if I slide down the couch I can escape…or get into a better position to attack.}

"seriously MOTHER."

{ok, wanna play lady? come a little closer….so I can reach out & 'touch' you…}


{…and by 'touch' I mean…}

{reeeeach out and…}

{…latch onto your left-nostril with my sharpest claw
and let you know all about how I don't want to be bothered by you right now}

oh Iggy you're so cute.
I wuvs you.

{maybe if I play dead she'll leave}

*sorry folks, just checking the settings on my camera ~
have a happy day!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. Sweet Iggy, playing with our pets and coming up with comments is the best fun. Ah to know what they were really thinking. . . have a great day!

  2. Such a pretty kitty. Love the pics.

  3. so cute, I miss having a kitty! thanks for sharing yours. Tammy

  4. We have conversations with our cat quite often. Like this morning when I wanted to take the sheets off the bed launder
    and they just wanted to snuggle in. They made VERY unhappy sounds!

  5. You picked a great subject to test out your camera with, we all LOVE Iggy!

  6. I love the Iggy pics. I'd also love to rub his sweet paws on my cheeks. He's a beauty…or I guess I should say a very handsome guy !! Stay warm !!

  7. Iggy is so adorable. How are your other kitties doing? Janice

  8. Too funny, my cat and I have very similar conversations. I don't think cats get camera settings. :-)

  9. How on earth do you keep the cat hair off your furniture? The chairs my cats sleep on, if I took a picture up that close, would show kitty fur woven right into the fabric. No matter how often I vacuum!😁

  10. I LoVe how you " captured" exactly what Iggy was thinking.
    Hugs Marg.

  11. I love Iggy as much as I love my Phoebe!!!! I made him my background picture on my computer to enjoy!!!!

  12. Bwhahahahaha!!!! That made my day. :)


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