Monday, December 01, 2014

Sheep's Wool & Cactus ~

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!
Happy December 1st to you all…..

can you believe it?
D E C E M B E R already!

I swear I just set down my sweet tea and rocked 
on the front porch to swing in the hot summer breeze a bit…
what the heck happened?

oh well, roll with it I guess ~

marks the first day on the
Buttermilk Basin's BLOG HOP
please see my sidebar for links to the participating designers,
 and visit their blogs for free patterns and recipes :)
December 1st is designer
Cheri Payne


getting more finished goods together for the Open House saturday…
here is
"Wooly St. Nick"
...a mixed media rug hooking/needle felting project I finished up last night:

 I posted photos of my progress of hooking him on the
Out of Hand Rug Hookers group on Facebook ~
and this is how he ended up!

I took some of our sheep's wool
{from my sweet gentle ewe, Esther}
and needle felted it into the rug for St.Nick's beard, mustache & eyebrows ~

love the dimensional effect ~


you can see how I left the 'staple' or curl of the raw wool 
for the beard in the snap below ~


I used a 'smoother' raw wool for his eyebrows ~
but still they are effective :)

I think I might hook a sheep next,
and use the same technique for his wool ~

it's an easy way to add character to your rugs…
think I'll offer a class here at the farm shop for this technique if I have enough interest…
what say you?

Wooly St. Nick ©2014 Notforgotten Farm

I had to share with you a few photos of our Christmas Cactus…
the red one on the left is an older plant, about 10 yrs old I guess ~
the pink one on the left is a baby and these are her first flowers!
{we're so proud LOL}

pretty little blooms

festive & happy colors

strange little plants, but love to see them blossom every winter :)

Felicia & I will be working hard out in the farm shop today ~
there are tons of orders to be filled, lots of cleaning and rearranging to do 
~ before Saturday's Open House!

Hoping you all enjoy a beautiful December Monday my sweet friends!

* Blessed be *


  1. I love your Santa!!
    And your Christmas plants are beautiful!
    :-) xoxo

  2. Lori your Santa turned out so wonderful! The raw sheeps wool is great and if I was closer I'd love to come learn the technique! The cactus plants are wierdly beautiful and fun to watch the blossoms come out!
    Sending best wishes for your Holiday Open House this weekend too... Hope the weather stays nice. It was 7 below zero here this morning..oy! But it supposed to be 20 above tomorrow... we're really going through the fire wood!
    Bountiful Blessings and hugs!!
    Cathy G

  3. Absolutely LOVE your Santa!! My plants are blooming too! Pink flowers this year!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Love the Santa lori! I used some loosely spun wool on my Santa claws . Hugs cheri
    Thank you for having a place for us to share what we're doing out there in our little places all over this world🐑

  5. He is perfect and the needle felting is such a great idea. Will love to see a sheep/lamb done too.
    Keep warm ... we are hoping for rain.

    Peace to all,

  6. Lori,

    I love Santa and how he progressed.

    Congratulations on your new pink Christmas cactus baby and congrats for keeping it alive for 10 yrs,,,what's the secret?? Mine never seem to make it very long.

  7. Your santa is PERFECT !
    Love the Christmas Cactus - beautiful colors.
    Best of luck at your Open House ;)

  8. Love, love, love Santa. Wait did I say I really love the Santa!

  9. What an adorable Santa and making him more endearing is having your ewe's wool. Just might be buying your pattern, if available as I've wool locks that I've purchased when making Santa dolls. It might not be your ewe's wool but will be locks never the less.


  10. love your santa and christmas cactus!i love to see mine bloom.


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