Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Snipping ~

...running with scissors ~
snipping tiny bits of paper into simple works of heart …

~ snip snip ~

tiny houses & snowmen
hollow-cut birds and holly leaves….
…twinkling stars
& tannenbaums…

smiling angel-folk
and comforting words ~

these gifts I bring to you!

...see them at the
this Saturday ~

* Blessed be *


  1. So pretty ! Have a great show, so many amazingly talented people .... Should be wonderful !

  2. Love those!!! U should copy them and make them into tags so everyone can have a chance to own one...Cheers, Susan

  3. These truly are spectacular! Is there a name for this certain craft?

  4. What a talent you are Miss Lori!! I sure wish I could go on Saturday...it's just a bit to far for me to travel...I know it will be wonderful!!

  5. love them all! but that angel girl is divine...can she maybe pretty please become a pattern to punch or hook??? she is so joyful!

  6. Dear Lori, While on Pinterest I found a post from your blog from Nov. 11,2014. There were 4 Paper cuttings done on black paper. I have fallen in love with them, and I was wondering if you could possibly sell me a set of the patterns. I want to get back into scherensnitte again and I would love to be able to cut those. Primative furniture, etc. is my love and they would go so well in my house.
    Thank You so much.
    Michele Morris


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