Sunday, November 02, 2014

Blackbird Fly ~

Yesterday morning,
Peter called to me from the barnyard ~
"get your camera!!!"
so I did…

each year, the migrating blackbirds visit us in throngs of thousands…
the sky & treetops are peppered with them ~

...cackling, chortling and chirping their way Southward.

here are a few snaps I took of them
and a short video at the bottom…


here they come...

…landing in our treetops ~

~ beating wings over the donkey paddock ~

...making beautiful silhouettes against the blustery sky.

leaf or bird?

Alfred Hitchcock would be proud….

Pinocchio gets nervous and very needy when they come & invade us like this…
here he is getting a hug from Peter
(or is it the other way 'round?)

here is the video ~
I am not a cinematographer by any means
so please pardon the poor quality…
also please excuse my hubby's enthusiasm!!!

~ have a beautiful day my friends ~

 * Blessed be *


  1. Isn't it amazing how orchestrated it all seems, not 'bird brains' at all...enjoy your day!

  2. That's crazy! I returned to VA yesterday from Florida - I had no idea it hadn't gotten so cold here! I want to join the birds in going somewhere warm! I love the picture of Pinnichio and Peter! Enjoy your day!

  3. That is so cool! Thanks for sharing it! Speaking of sharing...seems Pinocchio didn't want to share the attention your hubby was giving...

  4. That was so neat! Love your hubby and the donkey! He is clearly a man with a big heart, the best kind.

  5. They definitely let you know they're
    coming for a visit! LoL

  6. Kind of Hitchcock for my taste, but very interesting. Which one of your furrie friends was exclaiming about it in your video?


  7. Bobbi ~ that would be our sheep you hear in the distance! :)
    - L

  8. Afternoon, wow!!!!! That is a lot of birds, never seen so many flying like that. Loved the video, Blessings Francine.

  9. Are you sure you did not film for Alfred Hitchcock? Thank you for sharing

  10. Amazing and yes, Alfred Hitchcock would be very proud:)

  11. So Beautiful Lori! Loved seeing the video of your farm too and Peter and the kids!! LOL! The birds are so fascinating... interesting how they migrate even further south. They are gathering here too and Dave got some great photos yesterday. How can it be that time of year already?!!
    Hugs and Happy November to you!
    Cathy G

  12. Absolutely amazing!! I could not believe the noise on the video!!! Poor Daisy!! So happy she had Peter for comfort!!
    Just saw something about Alfred Hitchcock the other day and he said many of those birds were trained that they used! He would have been thrilled with yours!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Warm Hugs~

  13. They have stopped here every year and filled my yard until every speck of bird seed and corn was gone. I love the sound and wish it would last longer. Is that the donkey sounding off or did he eat something disagreeable?

  14. I really enjoyed the video Lori. You have a beautiful farm with lots of happenings. The colors are gorgeous. Peter takes good care of the can see he loves them. You both are keepers of the land.

  15. Wow birds are a very smart species, the hummingbirds leave my feeders everyyear on the same day, it is amazing.
    Thank-you for sharing the vidio.



  16. Friday a smaller flock passed through here..maybe on the way to your farm?!! (I think my husband said the same thing as Peter ;-) )
    They emptied our 4 bird feeders & bird baths in record time! Thank you for sharing the video & photos! ~C

  17. Hi Lori!

    Looks like a beautiful blustery day on the farm. Love the pictures of the birds! Randy and I just a week ago watched "The Birds" from Randy's Alfred Hitchcock collection...scary movie...don't let Pinochio watch.Lol

  18. I think the video was great...the same thing happens here in the city ( Providence RI). Not occurred yet, Due soon, because my neighbor who walks from the bus will knock on my door and say " put on your socks and jacket on they are here! The sounds is deafening but wonderful.


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