Thursday, October 09, 2014

What I'm Reading ~

Good CHILLY morning
Friends & Folk!!

Peter lit the wood stove in the old farmhouse this morning to take the chill out….
I love waking to the smells of woodsmoke and fresh coffee ~
so comforting :)

I wanted to share with you 
two books that I can't put down lately…
and Miss Joan, 
if you're reading this ~
yours are on the way :)

The first book is
Wide Cut Primitive 
~ by Wendy Miller & Rug Hooking Magazine (2104)

I am super-impressed with Wendy's ability in how she makes us (the reader)
feel like she's right there with us, guiding us along….

Wendy Miller is also the talented designer behind
The Red Saltbox

there is such a naive, childlike quality to her designs ~
 her rugs are whimsical and full of movement and color…

I know you will enjoy this book as much as I am!

simple, straightforward techniques from Wendy~
perfect for the beginner rug hooker and experienced!
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The second book I've been  drooling over  reading is this:

Creating an Antique Look
 in Hand-Hooked Rugs
by Cynthia Norwood and Rug Hooking Magazine (2008)

it is so well written
and covers a variety of techniques used to replicate those old rugs we love
so very much…

wonderful photographs of antique and reproduction rugs ~

both of these fabulous books are 

Iggy Approved!

'where's my hook?' ~ Ig

have a wonderful day filled with creativity!!

* Blessed be *


  1. Love that these books are Iggy approved, definitely need them.

    What width wool do you hook with? Still trying to figure it all out. watched U-tube yesterday.

    Love your farm...what a beautiful place for a Fall morning walk!

  2. The latter is my favorite rughooking book!! So many great ideas on coloration for making your newly hooked rugs look old! I'm glad Iggy is enjoying them too!

  3. I must get my rug hooking out......that's it......just a question.....does hooking dry out your cuticles like it does wool takes all the oils out of my finger tips...and then they hurt...what do you do?

  4. Those books look "delicious"! Just might have to go on my Read List! You have an inspired day Miss Lori!

  5. Lori, I am a "wanna-be" hooker. Is the first book you mentioned by Wendy Miller a good resource for the beginner hooker or is there a better option?

  6. Cynthia Norwood's book is the only hooking book I've read cover to cover. LOVE that book.
    Hugs :)


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