Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Waiting it out ~

Since I have been 'under the weather'
I ~ of course ~ still have to keep my hands busy…

so I've got my stitching always by my side :)
I have an appointment today to have myself checked out thoroughly 
so I will pack my handwork up and tuck it into my purse
just in case we have to wait in the waiting room.

tiny little witching stitching

 these two never fail to amuse me…
'Esther' & Bobby'
{mother & son}
wearing their orange halloween fleece ~
{{from rolling in the Virginia red clay}}

hello babies...

those eyes & sweet faces ~
 they speak volumes of love to me….

filthy but happy :)

 Our volunteer pumpkin patch is yielding beautiful orange-orbs this year!
nothing like watching them grow & twist while meandering through the tall grass…
it's like a treasure hunt!

and some of you have asked about the chair that fell and hit my face.
it is fine. thank you for asking. LOL

it now hangs from a peg rack,
...which is where it should have been placed 11 yrs ago.


Please keep your fingers crossed for me 
that my dr.'s visit comes back with good results!

* Blessed be *


  1. First of all, glad the chair did not get damaged! Secondly...love those sweet faces of Ester and Bobby....lastly, I do wish you would feel better. Good luck with the appointment today.....are you drinking plenty of water??? Have you twitched your nose back into place???

  2. I love your witchy projects, the season-appropriate sheep and your sense of humor. I hope all your tests bring some sense of relief.
    Last week was a week for nose trauma - my year old granddaughter flung her head back while she was on her mother's lap and broke my daughter-in-law's nose. Ouch!

  3. Hope everything goes well for you Lori. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Fingers and toes crossed. Be well and Blessed Be.

  5. Your photos are beautiful! Love the header. What fun to have all those volunteer pumpkins!
    Hope you're feeling much better soon.

  6. Oh your photo's are wonderful.....praying for a good report from the Dr....no time to be sick....last year I do remember before your show you had some bad luck I think jury duty and poor Mr buddy was I'll.....no time for unfortunate things....fingers crossed for you my friend...

  7. A fun post. Hope it's just a quickly passing bug and that you feel better...immediately! Luv the sheep and volunteer pumpkins! You definitely live in a different world than I live in.

    Take care.


  8. A fun post. Hope it's just a quickly passing bug and that you feel better...immediately! Luv the sheep and volunteer pumpkins! You definitely live in a different world than I live in.

    Take care.


  9. Best of luck Hun with the tests.
    Those sheep look so content standing in the door. I think they are wishing you well too!
    Susan x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hope it's good results and you don't have to wait toooo long!!

  12. Hi Lori, I love your three new 'Header' photos....awesome snaps! Kindly, Scattered Seed Samplers

  13. Blessings to you. Hopefully good news. Thanks fir keeping us updated!

  14. Boy...you have had a rough couple of days, Lori....praying that you just have growing pains or something minor!! Love your new little stitchery! Take care and will be praying for you!!

  15. Boy...you have had a rough couple of days, Lori....praying that you just have growing pains or something minor!! Love your new little stitchery! Take care and will be praying for you!!

  16. Hope everything went OK at the doctor's, that you're beginning to feel more like your old self and that your poor face is healing. "It never rains but it pours" ...... a good old English saying!

  17. Love your stitcheries Lori! Gorgeous! That was a heavy chair to fall and hit you in the face. I hope all goes well at the Doctors. Hugs Marg.

  18. I hope whatever ails you is in your past soon...will be keeping you in my prayers of course. Love the photos in your post:))

  19. Glad to hear the nose is ok and the chair :oD. Hope all went well at the Doc's. Love your sheep, they do have darling faces. Love the stitching too.

  20. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your Dr. visit. Good to take work to do while waiting. I had an appointment to day for a bit of a check up and they were so prompt I only got in about 6 stitches in my little project!!

  21. The sheep are wonderful. How do I get sizes and pricing? Thank you


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