Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Volunteerism ~

The crazy storms, hot-as-hades temps and super high humidity
have been beneficial to our garden 'volunteers' lately…

they are growing big and strong, making for a lush Summer ~

here are a few shots of our farmhouse fence line garden:

We think this is a gourd plant, I had decorated the gate with a wreath and dried gourds last Autumn,
and then left them to rot in the dirt…I am hoping I get a few gourds from this plant!
although, it came up right beside our little tomato plant, but both are doing well :)

the Sweet Annie is taking over!
we have SO many sweet annie plants popping up everywhere ~
from the farmhouse, to the shop ~ to down behind Peter's woodshop…
it makes a loverly scent when you brush it as you walk by…

some of our volunteer Sweet Annie popping up next to the daisies and geraniums...

More Sweet Annie (below) on the other side of the gourd plant mentioned above…
somewhere in there is Peter's Fig Tree too!!!!!
the Fig Tree didn't do well with the extreme cold temps over last Winter, 
but it has bounced back nicely :)

my blue gazing ball was a gift from Cousin Charlie ~

I am never without company of some sort ~ whether in or out of the farmhouse…
as soon as I head outside, Roxy has to be right there with me ~

Hi Rox!
(she & Lazy had been in the tall wet grass right before I snapped this, hence the wet fur ;)

and here is the little rock garden up in front of the farmhouse…
my butterfly bushes were hit bad last Winter too, so they aren't as full this year ~ 
my rosemary & lavender plants were also affected to the point 
of having to remove my huge 6 yr old rosemary bush :( very sad.

this little garden is on it's way to being healthy again…

lavender, lemon thyme, pineapple sage, rosemary, mint, catnip, oregano & basil
all happily living here ~

I will be dyeing linen, processing orders and going to town today ~
hopefully all before the afternoon thunderstorms roll 'round once again.

Have a beautiful Tuesday my Friends!

* Blessed be * 


  1. Everything looks lush and happy as does mine this year too :) My fig we cut down and it re-sprouted and has figs on it! I too lost my rosemary, it was 17 years old!!!! But the lavender was fine, go figure! Enjoy your day in town, I'll be there too!

  2. love your posts, your plants, your farm and Rox...all those are so beautiful!
    Happy Thuesday,Lori♥

  3. I love your farm! I call those pop ups God's hand at planting.

    Stay cool! It is muggy here in or part of California today.


  4. I too have a big plant growing out of the compost heap. Looks similar, but think it is pumpkins!!Love the Sweet Annie and wish I could get it to grow in my yard.Have tried several times but it hasn't worked:( Love looking at your farm and sweet animals.

  5. I love being able to walk with you on your gorgeouse property Lori, so nice! And Roxy is looking great! Enjoy your day..~ronda

  6. We have a house in the town I work in and a smaller, remodeled house (on the farm) in the next county where my husband grew up. Some of the volunteer plants that come up are pleasant finds and others annoying (like poison ivy or the suckers from trees that my neighbors have planted!) Growing up on a farm myself, I like to put potato peelings near some of my plants and cover them with pine straw (compost). They often root and a vine will appear. The soil is not too good at our house in town, so I don't get actual potatoes, but it is fun to see the vines appear! So, it is fun to hear about your plant adventures.

  7. We have never had luck growing gourds...love them but I will just have to send for some ....maybe one of these days they will grow here in my garden.

  8. I have a few volunteer sunflowers and cosmos this year. Also what I think might be 5 or 6 pumpkin plants left over from last Fall's display. Huge orange flowers but no sign of what the "fruit" might be.

  9. What a crazy summer that has followed a crazy winter! Here too we have many volunteers and some losses. I love that I haven't had to water much...but . . . i's also been hard to find garden time with all the rain . . which has also made much more poison ivy sprout! Ahhhh...Mother Nature . . . she's a little off her rocker right now! ;-)

  10. Nice greenery, my sweet annie has taken over everything. The plants I am leaving are almost as tall as me@ Didn't know they spread soooo much, previous years did not this years...oh my!

    Everything is looking good!

  11. Hi Lori!

    The gardens look great!

    Sorry you lost so many plants to the fridgid winter. We lost a 12 year old lime tree that we started after a trip to Fla. it was only 4" tall and became a 5 ft. potted tree on our patio. We didn't protect it well enough for last Winter...have Jack-o-lanterns in the big pot now...hope they turn out well Love your Gourds!

    Prim Blessings,


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