Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Morning ~

Good Morning!

the sun is sparkling on the raindrops left behind by last evening's storms ~
we needed the rain….

just wanted to say that our little shop here at the farm is open once again ~
10:00 ~ 3:00 today (friday) & tomorrow (saturday)

Our REGULAR Summer Hours will be:
Fridays 10:00 - 3:00 ~ by CHANCE OR APPT. (or you have previously contacted me)
Saturdays 10:00 - 3:00 ~ 

If you are traveling a distance, or will be in the area and wish to come for a visit, 
PLEASE contact me beforehand…
email me at ~or~ call the shop: 434.263.6508

Pinocchio & Daisy(upper left), my passion Flower/Fruit vine (lower left), lone Morning Glory on rusty gate (full right)

and here are a couple of peeks of my little 'Pumpkin Folke' design all stitched up ~
just need to 'finish' it into a sawdust pillow now ;)

i stitched this design onto my 40ct Old Farmhouse Linen using 1 strand of floss over two threads of linen

little pinwheel to celebrate Hallowe'en

a basketful of squash blooms

I will be processing orders, hanging laundry and pulling weeds today ~
taking advantage of the cooler temps!!

* Blessed be *


  1. I/We may be over to see you tomorrow. I have some "Show and Tell" and we've missed you and all the critters. Love the photos.

  2. Sure wish I lived closer! Maybe someday I can go for a not so little drive. Enjoy this wonderful day!

  3. Will these pumpkin people be available on a pattern??? Please

  4. Hi Kathy ~ yes they will! soon…. :)
    ~ Lori

  5. I know we could have good times stitching together. Your lovely yard or my cabin in the woods. Just too far apart!
    But love all that you share. And looking forward to your new patterns!

  6. Can't wait to someday visit your sweet little shop. you're on my bucket list :) ~Kriss~

  7. Hello Lori. Sounds like a wonderful day. LOVE your new Pumpkin Folke :)

    Happy weekend ~ Doeen

  8. I really excited for you to list the new projects for the holidays.


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