Sunday, June 08, 2014

Where you'll find me…...

...oh what a beautiful morning ~ oh what a beautiful day…

Hello friends & folk!
I am hoping that your morning 
is as pretty where you are it is here today ~

I plan on stitching my day away ~
not too often that I get an entire day to do as I please…
and stitching surely pleases me well!

here is where you can find me,
in between a couple of ball-throws to Roxy 
(who is adjusting quite-nicely)
and a couple of loads of fresh laundry to be hung in the sunshine.
(although, we may expect a few passing showers this aft)
but I love the rain too, so……

rocker on my front porch ~
(please excuse the blue styro at the bottom, we will hopefully soon be siding this old someplace)

I posted previously that I'm working on another sewing roll,
and I definitely will be offering this as a pattern soon ~ hopefully by this evening!!

but, I wanted to share something with you ~
a 'happy accident' if you will…

you know I made some button magnet needle minders a few weeks back,
and I showed you this one of a carved bird that I use to hold my needle:

little bird

 I tend to keep lots of things in my larger sewing box ~ 
...strange things like bird feathers, snail shells ~
bits of fabric and wool.
dried flowers…
...old photographs too.

sew pretty

 This photo (below) shows one of my favorites, shows a some-what stern looking farmwife
(with rouged cheeks)
and she is holding a piece of fabric that she has stitched on…
(hard to see in my photos, but it looks to me like a sampler)
I've nick-named this hard-working woman 
"Euphemia Roote" or "Euphie" for short.

I like to keep this photo in my sewing box 
and look to it for inspiration…

oh, and this photograph just happens to be a tin-type.

now, the 'happy accident' that I'm referring to…

when I'm finished stitching for the day,
I always take my work off of the hoop 
(if I'm using one) 
so it doesn't leave a ring on my fabric or crush my stitches…
and I usually just toss my magnetic needle minder into my sewing box as well.

what stories can you tell me?
who were you? where did you live? how many children did you have?
did you love to stitch as much as I do?….

 This morning, when I opened my sewing box to get out my work, 
this was what I found:

my little farmwife was 'holding' my needle minder.
the magnet had attached itself to the tin type photo and made it so much easier for me to find it!

oh! Thank you so much for your help!

I thought it was a perfect place to rest my needle minder at the end of my stitching day ~ 
so from now on that is what I'll do…
ask m'lady for her help in keeping my needle minder safe while I am away from my stitching!

she happily obliged…

you are most kind my dear.

Sunday Supper:
Roasted Rosemary Chicken Thighs
Fresh New Potatoes w/ Garlic & Chives
Succotash (Sweet Corn & Baby Lima Beans)
Blueberry Buckle for dessert

Charlie loves his Sunday Dinners with us ~
I love cooking them for him.

Have a most beauty-full day my friends!

* Blessed be *


  1. Good morning, Lori! So nice that you are having a beautiful morning! It's raining here in Michigan, but a nice soft, ground soaking rain. Love your stitching...I need to make myself a needle minder....since I'm always losing my needles when stitching!

  2. She may be stern looking but she's a no nonsense gal. Look at those hardworking hands and the tightness of her hair bun making sure no loose strands got in the way of the task at hand.
    Sunday dinner sounds wonderful and I can imagine Charlie thinks so too.
    Enjoy the day and the rain...
    Susan x

    PS- You're new companion is wonderful and over time shall help fill the void left by the loss of the other sweet one.

  3. What a beautiful porch to work (and relax) on! I love your 'happy accident' story :)
    Oh, and can I come to supper? Sounds amazing!

  4. What a wonderful discovery! enjoy your day ..

  5. I so love this post! You have a wonderful spot to sit and create and I love the tin type photo of the woman with her new job in your life now.

    Like you, I love to cross stitch, however I don't get to do it as much as I'd like to. Old eyes.....

    Have a sweet day and what time is supper?


  6. This was a charming post! I love "happy accidents". They make life so very interesting. Your menu is making me hungry!

  7. I really enjoyed that post, what a wonderful day you will have, and to get to share it with Euphie is just a bonus.Dinner sounds just yummy! My Mom used to make just the best blueberry buckle. I could never get mine as good as hers. And Rosemary chicken?? well its only morning here but you have made me so hungry. Enjoy your day.

  8. Your front porch could have been Euphie's front porch!! I am sure she sat on her porch sitting in the sunshine back in her day, perhaps a lemonade or sweet tea beside her, watching her laundry flap in the wind, hearing the birds call out, chicken peeking and the kids playing. I love that you named her...don't you wish that picture could talk? My youngest daughter(29)has collected old photos for years. She loves them, displays them and makes up stories about them even! Her husband has a degree in photography and does mostly 19th and early 20th century methods of photography such as Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes & Tintypes (I love old tin!!)He has a small etsy shop. Your tintype is so special with her having her handiwork in her lap for the photo you know it was important to her. Enjoy and thanks for sharing!!

  9. I love old photographs! I am my family's "Keeper Of Things" and I have several tintypes from Ireland. I often see old photos at our local flea market and I wonder how any family member could part with them, just discarding them in shoe boxes amongst strangers.
    As for snail shell.....a few have oddly found their way into my little metal sewing box.

  10. Well, my yet unmet Friend, you have done it again - tugged at my heart strings. I would love to sit on your porch and stitch together! Cannot WAIT to see your latest sewing roll.
    I bet your tintype itself will be magnetized after hanging out with that charming bird! Wouldn't that be lovely to have Euphienkeeping the needle herself?

  11. Lori, your blog transports your readers to a softer simpler time…one we would all aspire to live in. I also follow Susan Branch 's blog. She lives on Martha's Vineyard….totally opposite from you, but still the same sweet stories and inspiring pictures. Check it out….she wrote a really awesome book called "A Fine Romance" about her journey to the fields and cotswalds of England.
    Thanks for the trip Lori.

  12. Lauren from MinookaJune 8, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    Ok, now I'm hungry...

  13. I learned recently that they had to look stern or the motion from there smile or emotion would ruin the flash or what was then the photo technology. The camera had to have a perfectly still and stern shot.Love this picture and it is so cool that she is holding her stitchery project.

  14. Lori, I haven't visited your blog for almost two weeks and a lot has happened and all good. It is a good thing that You are so far, otherwise the sweet little Boog? Kittie would have come home with me. Those kitties are sooo beautiful.

    And a new puppy, Buddy will always be in your heart.

    Felicia from MN

  15. I love everything about this story. . . oh and I have to say. . . the table on your porch looks a lot like one I have. . . the legs look as tho they were hand made. . . mine only has 2 legs like that, the other 2 are turned. . . thanks for sharing. ~d


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