Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guilford, Connecticut

Hannah & I are enjoying our time here in Guilford, CT today ~
visiting family and places that we hold in our memories of living in this quintessential
New England town ~

We come to this graveyard every time we are here...
not only to visit the site of where Peter's mom is lated to rest,
but to take in the tranquility and serenity of this old old place....

this is one of the oldest graveyards in CT ~ 
 the towns of Guilford (Peter's home town)
and Stratford (my home town) 
~ are presently celebrating their 375th year anniversary.

a befitting way to honor the foundling families we thought,
to visit their graves....

headstone carvings are what initially inspired my love of folk art when I was very young...

very well-known family here in Guilford ~

Hannah reading the headstones...

beautiful carvings

the soapstone or slate headstones are my very favorite ~

unbelievably-precise hand carving

old stones line the wall surrounding the graveyard...

early homes in the background of this photo below ~
once inhabited by the folks now in this graveyard a crossed the street from them...

Please come out & visit with me TOMORROW!!!!
I will be at the Country Mill in Newtown from 11:00 ~ 2:00
signing copies of my new book:
Summer at Notforgotten Farm
(link above on right sidebar)

see you tomorrow!

* Blessed be *


  1. Love the photos of the headstones! I hope to see you tomorrow at the book signing, but all depends on my Mom (she's 89), and I am her caregiver. I love Linda's shop and I try to get there as often as I can!

  2. I love the visit to the graveyard and especially the photos of the headstones with the angels on them, so many stories they could tell, thanks so much for sharing with us.

  3. Amazing carvings and angels. I hope to get to the Country Mill tomorrow too!

  4. Lovely tour...have an day tomorrow many blessings coming your way....

  5. I love to visit old graveyards. Don't you love the creative spellings before the English language was made uniform? Living here in the west, our resting places don't quite have the history that you enjoy in the East. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Nice Page and update. i like blogwalking

  7. Beautiful pictures I like so much the tombstones! Great stitch

  8. We have a tiny graveyard near our home with gravestones nearly this old. We once took rubbings from the stones when my children were young. Have a busy book signing!

  9. Thank you for taking us along on vacation with you!
    Have fun!!

  10. I love these pics, I took tons of them last october in Massachusettes, and can't wait to come back in Usa in spring :)
    The lil pieced piece sounds really interesting... I'd be so happy to meet one day :)
    Hugs deal Lori



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