Monday, May 19, 2014

Rabbits & Hooking

I wanted to share a couple of snaps with you 
of the new plantings I put in over the weekend ~

I stepped out onto the front porch and immediately felt like I was being watched!
(more than the usual donkey, sheep, chicken, peacock & kitten brigade watching my every move)

so I kind of just stood there for a moment to try to figure out 'who' it was….


tiny rabbit

 I walked closer and closer to him (her?)
and he didn't quiver a bit….

sweet baby!
 I love them ~
especially when they're still young like this one…
can you see the young tomato plant right next to him?
yup….he was making a snack of the tender leaves.

so I gently shooed-him away
and off he hopped into the woods ~

I thanked him for his visit and for the photo-op,
then kindly asked him not to eat my plants!

love his fur

 So this is where I planted ~
...inside our farmhouse-fence:

hard to see, but there is a yellow rose bush, verbena, sandwort, mum, jasmine vine & daisy

 on the corner is a little plot where my beloved Black Suzy (cat) is interred ~
the urn is there for her, the little weeping angel statue was a gift in memory of Buddy…

along the fence is that little tomato, basil, petunias, a fig tree & lilac bush
in Suzy's urn is sweet annie that grows wild here at the farm now, since I planted SO much of it ~
it pops up literally anywhere it wants to!
(but I love volunteers)
...and along the front porch:
(please excuse that chipping paint)

spent daffodils, nandina bush, hosta, and a potted red geranium now resides in one of my cauldrons ~
the plant stand it's on was a gift from my sister Louisea ~

here is the little rock garden up by the donkeys ~

this is where I planted english lavender, coreopsis, shasta daisy, oregano, pineapple sage, asiatic lily, nandina,
azalea, snow drift, and daffodils ~

last Saturday,
Joan, Patty & Kate came in for a while to hook on their WIP's
I love when we can get-together, even if it was just a small clutch of us this time :)

hi girls!!

Kate is new to the area ~ but not new to hooking!
she is a real sweetie & I LOVE her laugh!!!

hope she comes back and that I didn't scare her off with my antics!
(fingers crossed here)

Kate's busy hands were a blur!!!
I took a snap of Patty's crow rug that she's working on ~ 
BUT ~ it came out so blurry I couldn't share it here.
Hoping Patty wil bring it next time so I can get a better snap of it for you!

I'll be processing orders/shipping today ~
those of you who had PRE-ordered my new Summer at NFF book should have yours by now
and I'm hoping you are all enjoying it :)

©Hookinpunch Frame orders are being filled in the order of their purchase too.
for all of the NEW members of the
 Little Stitches Handwork Club
- a BIG welcome & THANK YOU to you all!!!!

...have a *SPARKLING* day my friends!

* Blessed be *


  1. Love your gardens Lori! Thanks for welcoming Kate...we miss her so much here in Minneapolis! Glad she is settling in near her family and that she found her way to your farm! ~Laurie

  2. Your gardens look lovely, Lori... such a warm and welcoming home you have. Love the hanging cauldron. I'm sure everything will look amazing as it all grows in!

  3. Beautiful gardens and the bunnies do love to nibble. I have five who play in my yard, but I had to put up a wire fence around my plants. Once the green beans came up, they would eat off the tops so I never got any. But I do make a pile of leftovers and clippings for them to eat.


  4. Beautiful gardens! Enjoy Spring!

  5. thanks for sharing all the beautiful photo's I like that you mix your herbs into the flower beds, and I love love love that old chippy paint.

  6. Hi Lori,
    I am new to your blog and have just fallen in love with your farmhouse, gardens and needlework! Your pictures are just beautiful and that rabbit is just too cute! Enjoy your day!

  7. Hi Lori!

    Oh my, what a beautiful yard you all the gardens, esoecially the rock garden by the donkeys...such a wonderful variety of plants. Anxious to see it all in bloom!
    Wish I lived closer to be part of the stitch-ins...lucky Kate,she'll be back for more fun! XXXOOO Martha

  8. Thank you for mentioning the Peninsula Show in November. I did not know they had a shop. I'm about 40 min from that area. Will you be at that show?

  9. oh! just look at the sunshine filtering through those rabbity ears! and the chippy paint? it's my favorite, for sure!



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