Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Farmhouse Morning ~

…For the past week, we've been waking up to these little friends ~
(I completely forgot to mention them and I do apologize to Momma Hen)

~ 4 little 'ditties' ~


Momma stands guard while they eat their mash

pretty little peep

and I wanted to take a couple snaps of the garden,
before the rains come and knock off all of the flower petals ~

here are some of our Lily of the Valley
that my sister Louisea gave me…

i love them ~

and our Iris are beautiful this year:

the white ones are ethereal ~ very frothy and smell heavenly

please excuse our weeds ~
and remember :
"Never complain about the weeds in another woman's garden…."

as I headed back to the farmhouse,
I caught this gentle-man loving on one of his kittens ~

Peter & Sugar Britches

he loves them so much ~

I want to mention here that we have received numerous
cards, letters and gifts from very kind folk regarding Buddy's passing ~
and to keep your kindness and thoughtfulness private, 
I will not mention your names here...
PLEASE know how deeply you have all touched us 
and how very thankful we are to have such friends in our lives 
~ who remember us in such sad moments.

wishing you all a Peaceful day my friends!!

* Blessed be * 


  1. Your Iris are heavenly !
    Lily of the Valley is one of my favorites. Ahh, the sweet scent of warm weather !

  2. Your Irises are lovely. Mine are just about to "pop"....if this morning's thunderstorm didn't flatten them.

  3. No weeds, just wild flowers! Beautiful!

  4. After waiting what seemed to be a long winter Spring is lovely as ever........your farm is too!

  5. I loved the walk through the garden.

  6. I think I need to hook that scene of Mamma Hen guarding her chicks! Beautiful pictures.

  7. Beautiful farm life, pretty flowers and love to see a man so gentle with animals, Francine.

  8. I really enjoyed the stroll through your garden. The iris' are just beautiful & the lily of the valley are so sweet. They were my grandmothers favourite flower

  9. What a lovely day at the farm.

  10. Beautiful pictures Lori! The ones of Peter and Sugar Britches are so sweet. Enjoy your day. Hugs, Lori

  11. Sweet smelling Iris against a grey picket fence are the epitome of charm, and baby chicks are such tiny peeping gifts of Spring. Don't you just love life on a farm?!

  12. Wonderful pictures, I love your irises:)

  13. Your life on the farm is one of beauty & contentment and I can always feel the LOVE! Thanks for opening your heart & home to all...the pictures are great!

  14. Hi Lori!

    I love the pic. with the triple flag holder!...all the pictures are so nice depicting life on the jealous! I can see you needling on the front porch in your rocker wearing that adorable dress!

    Blessings, Martha


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